Intro from Nate and Christy Johnston:

It is our utmost privilege to introduce Agnes Ebedi to the Elijah List readers. Agnes has not only been a close family friend for a while now, but also a mentor in our online school for a year. She has been such a support to both us and the students. She uses her prophetic gift with much humility and compassion for people, drawing out the gold and speaking into the destinies of those who are learning their identities and value as children of God.
We have watched the revelations Agnes receives from the Lord become so weighty and accurate, and it's our absolute joy see more people blessed by what God speaks through this mighty mouthpiece.
Lastly, a big thanks to Steve and Derene Shultz for being such encouragers of the emerging prophets – we love the family you have created that gets to bless the world with what Heaven is speaking. Thank you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Nate and Christy Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Hear the Sound of Your Sudden Breakthrough!"
Agnes Ebedi, Cleveland, Tennessee
The 9th Month: Your Time of Birthing
Recently, I have had some significant moments of divine encounters, during my prayer times, where the Father has been speaking to me repeatedly about breakthrough and birthing.
On the eve of the first day of this month, I drifted off to sleep and had a significant dream. In this dream, I was in a vehicle with some people when suddenly I saw, standing in front of the vehicle, a messenger of the Lord—an angel. The angel said to us, "As surely as the Lord lives, you shall give birth to a baby!"
When I woke up I heard our Father say...(continue reading)