From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

There are some words that you read through which will supercharge you through and through...
This is one of those words.
We've heard from many others that God is doing a new thing in them, whether it's changing occupations, starting new ministries or relocating, etc.
As you read through Faith Baczko's article, you'll gain some very good insight for walking into the new as you aim high and go for the gold!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's Your Time to Aim High and Go for the Gold!"
Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
I hear the Lord saying to many in the Body of Christ, "You have been functioning at a certain, limited level for a long time because of restrictions and limitations—your perceived limitations in finances, health, education, gender, lack of affirmation or acknowledgment of your call or gift. You have come to your time to step up, to go to the next level."
With the leading of the Holy Spirit, the time has come to take the risk and step up to buy that car, that house, that building; buy that program that you need, get that accountant, upgrade your website, hire help, open up businesses, or buy that airline ticket.
When you rise up to take the step of faith, life meets you there and your world begins to shift, taking on a new dynamic and adjusting accordingly. It is important to do something to activate the new dynamic, as faith without works is dead!
Transition Is Here! What Will You Do?
We have been hearing about the coming 'shift' for a long time, but I believe the world is shifting under our feet right now. We are already caught in the shift that is taking us into a significant and notable season of history.
With any transition into new territory, there will be struggles with adjusting to the "New Thing," but through it all, God is at work to increase our capacity to contain more of His glory and to hold the new ground He plans to entrust to us.
With perseverance, if we choose not to give up, not to get offended by God or others, embrace the good fight of faith and fix our eyes on Jesus, life will have changed and we will find ourselves functioning at new levels and in new spheres in life and in ministry.
We triumph in faith by pressing through the spiritual resistance coming from all sides and advancing in the power of God, with the anointing of God—the anointing that breaks the yokes of poverty, shame, lack, fear and guilt. (Photo via Unsplash)
Press through! Run the gauntlet of satanic arrows designed to trip you up and shut you down. Rise up in the energy of Christ and like Paul shout, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37).
The prize goes to the one who...(continue reading)