From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

If ever there was a time to GO...that time is now and upon us.
So many have felt compelled to start something new, move, leave old things behind, etc.
If that's you, I want you to slowly and carefully read through this empowering word from Christy Johnston in which she admonishes:
There is a quickening of breakthrough and upgrade available to you. The wars you have endured have spoils awaiting you, if you will simply lean your faith onto Him and follow where He is leading you. Now GO and SEIZE THE SPOILS OF WAR!
There is much more detail and revelation in I'll let you get right to reading it. I know this will encourage you to GO and SEIZE what God is calling you to. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Now Go and Seize the Spoils of War!"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I woke up on a recent morning with these words burning in my heart: "Seize the spoils of war." I was instantly reminded of a story from 2 Kings 7:1-11. While I read the story, I was overcome with anticipation as I caught the heart of His Spirit telling me that this is a time of reclaiming territory.
I felt compelled to share this word with you. I encourage you to not just skim over it (don't just read it as a nice and uplifting word), but actively seize it and take hold of it for your own life, your own family, and your own nation.
I believe there is an invitation within this revelation to step out of a place of "battle weariness" and into "celebration and feasting." I believe there is a unique window of opportunity to advance upon enemy territory and take back what rightfully belongs to the Kingdom of God.
I believe the Father is teaching us in this hour how to move from a "battle-minded" warfare into "victory-minded" warfare, where we aren't always overwhelmed by the opposition that may surround us, but rather, we stand high above it and turn the tide of the battle using His strategies and perspectives.
He is teaching us how to win the battles from His heavenly heights as opposed to being beat-down in the dust.
From Famine to Plenty
The narrative within 2 Kings 7:1-11 follows on from a story which tells us that there had been a severe famine in Samaria, and to make matters worse, there had been drawn-out conflict with the Arameans, and a vast army of their soldiers had surrounded Samaria and were holding the people hostage under a siege.
Elisha the prophet had been standing with God's people through this siege and in verse one, he prophesied to the king of Samaria and told him that they were about to see an overnight breakthrough. He said:
"Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria." (2 Kings 7:1) (Photo via Unsplash)
As I studied this verse, I discovered...(continue reading)