Demontae Edmonds is a true prophet, a friend of ours, and a friend of God.
He has given out some really accurate prophetic words and I so appreciate his voice in the Body of Christ...and you will too!
In his recent article, Demontae received powerful prophetic words and revelation for the state of Florida, in what the Lord revealed to him.
Whether you are from Florida or not, we can all pray for God's plans to come to pass in specific locations.
Be blessed by what the Lord revealed to Demontae and the prayer he offers in this latest word. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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The Map Vision
Recently while in prayer, I saw a vision of the state of Florida. Then suddenly, a portion of the state was magnified in my sight. The southeastern edge of Florida stood highlighted in the vision. It was the region that runs from West Palm Beach down past Miami.
I heard the Lord say, "I'm reversing the work of the devil and raising up an army that will not be intimidated or defeated." I sensed in my spirit that God was sending a fresh wind of awakening and renewal that would hit this region, resulting in a greater harvest of souls in the next season.
The Covenant with Death Annulled
God reminded me of a story that I once read. It was about intercessors who began to pray for the city of Miami to have spiritual breakthrough. During this period (the early 90s), every church that would reach several thousand members would suddenly have issues, in-fighting, and suffer some type of serious blow. As the group of intercessors who had gathered from different places prayed, the Lord revealed that various witches and warlocks had made a covenant within the graveyards of the city so that any church that reached over 3,000 members would be destroyed.
Isaiah 28:18, "And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with Hell shall not stand..."
New ministries began to flourish in Miami after these powerful intercessors broke the covenant of death over successful pastors and churches.
I felt God speak into my spirit that He will once again destroy secret covenants, agendas, and hidden works of crafts as the intercessors gather. I saw a city-wide prayer rally that would be instrumental in destroying the pathways and works of darkness that have held communities and the minds of many in captivity.
I saw major local leaders, and some from other places, standing on a huge stage with a big banner and screens behind them declaring Jesus' love for the city, the state, and the region. Leaders of all races and nationalities gathered not for one church or one man's name, but to take the region for Jesus. (Photo via Unsplash)
The Hispanic Community Is Key
Although the Lord showed me that the leaders of this movement would be multi-denominational and multi-ethnic, the Hispanic community would be key to the spiritual fire being lit in the southern Florida region.
I saw "Hispanic churches" full of Believers praying through the night watches and worshiping God for an outpouring of His Spirit. I saw teams of Believers, many of them Hispanic, going into the "bad" neighborhoods and rough areas spreading the love of Jesus. I saw people of all walks of life bowing their head and praying the prayer of repentance and confessing Jesus.
The Lord says, "My hand is upon the Hispanic community in this region in a special way for a season, to lead the charge of reaping the harvest of souls."
The Firestarters
Luke 11:49, "Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles..."
The Lord spoke to me in prayer that even as I was praying for Florida, there were other ministers interceding for the region. God said...(continue reading)