From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

More and more prophetic voices are saying we are in an era of decreeing and opening our mouths!
Our words are powerful...and we're going to see this happening in an increased and accelerated way, just as Danielle Dixon of Australia shares here:
This new decade is all about "opening your mouth."
I'm going to let you read the rest of this article for yourself, which includes words for God's seers and God's creative power being released!
Believe me, there is something here for everyone...
Enjoy and pass on this word from Danielle Dixon to everyone you know. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Arise and Blow the Trumpet of Your Mouth!"
Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
As we move into the new year 2020, it is time for God's people to arise and blow the trumpet of their mouth! It's a time of heralding in the new epoch—a year of communication and publication. God's messages will be heralded and be a sign that (something) is about to happen throughout the earth causing a spiritual vibration, an invitation that says, "This is the way, walk in it."
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." (Isaiah 30:21)
Acceleration in Communications, Publications and Technology
We have entered 5780, which starts a new Hebraic decade, and many people are waiting for instructions and directions before they can move forward the way God intended.
The last decade was all about "seeing by the eye" and many had their spiritual eyes dilated, permitting them to see into and for the Body of Christ.
This new decade is all about "opening your mouth." The Hebrew letter "Pey" carries the numerical value of 80 and is a picture/symbol of a mouth. Where vision within the Body of Christ has increased in accuracy throughout the last decade, now prophetic vision will also be accompanied by an increase in communication and publication.
Now is the time for the seers of God to articulate into words what they have seen over the past decade. As they do, it will give a platform for God's wisdom to be released in a greater dimension. (Photo via Unsplash)
I saw communications and publications of all kinds flowing from the pens of ready writers. It's time to release the mysteries of God in creative ways.
I saw an acceleration of technology and electronic, interactive inventions where people will become a part of virtual classrooms, mentorships and meetings. We have seen this already, but there is such a powerful release available over communications and publications in the area of creative ideas to enhance the existing technology.
Those of you who are in these industries, be sure to take advantage of this release of Heaven's creativity.
I was prompted to go back and read a prophetic word over Germany posted by the Elijah List in November 2018. It regarded technology advances in that nation that would go out into all the nations. Part of the technology that I saw was interactive worship software where people brought into virtual worship meetings could personally encounter God in a unique way.
The Creative Breath of God
Prophetic voices will have a greater proficiency in this decade to communicate and publish what they are seeing and discerning than in past seasons. These prophetic communications and publications will carry the creative breath of God.
The breath of man releases...(continue reading)