From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Before my spiritual father, Wade Taylor, went to be with the Lord, we prayed together over the phone every day for 5 years with only one or two missed days.
And while he was here, he imparted to me rich and important truths.
One of those was the lasting value of "Communion." Since those days, my wife and I have taken communion every day.
Wade originally got my attention when he told me that communion was the closest thing to having the TREE OF LIFE on earth that there is.
Now, has Wade gotten your attention too? If so, this is going to really amaze you...(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Lasting Value of Communion"
Wade E. Taylor, formerly Nanjemoy, MD
Note: this is a repost of Wade E. Taylor's word previously posted by the Elijah List on April 22, 2012.
As the "facets" in a diamond are viewed, some appear as being opposite to other facets. The beauty of a diamond is due to the fact that these "opposite" facets complement each other. So also, the partaking of "communion" with our Lord has many different ways in which it can be understood and experienced.
Some receive communion in a ritualistic manner, by partaking of a symbol, or emblem of the Lord's body and Blood. There is no life in a symbol or emblem and these receive only a religious or sentimental satisfaction. Others recognize that they are partaking of the very life of the Lord, and as they partake, they are receiving His literal body and Blood being imparted into them.
There should be a time of preparation so we can effectively partake of "communion." We must be lifted into the presence of the Lord in order for His life to flow into our lives. Just as it is not possible for us to "wait on the Lord in His presence" until we have passed from the natural realm into the spiritual, it is not possible for us to "receive" the literal body and Blood of Jesus, until we exchange realms.
The word "communion" has to do with...(continue reading)