From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

As I read through Candice Smithyman's recent article I thought, "Now this word will preach!"
Yes, it's that good and will help you be empowered for God's covenant promises for your life!
God's prophetic voices are prophesying into this new year and decade...with amazing insight.
I encourage you to read through this slowly and carefully and seek the Lord wholeheartedly in this new you move out toward His promises for you in a fresh new way. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God Is Establishing Covenant Promises! Are You Ready?"
Candice Smithyman, Orange Park, FL
The Lord gave me a prophetic dream for this Hebrew New Year 5780 concerning the decade of "Pey," which is the Hebrew letter for the number 80, a symbol that has the appearance of a mouth. Many prophets have been sharing that this will be the decade where we must speak to move destiny and create change in the earth.
"My Word Will Not Return Void"
In this dream I was in a church, at the podium, speaking. There were only a few people in the sanctuary and they were working in the back. These were people who cared for the church, and they were talking and taking out garbage. They represent the servants no one notices as they serve God humbly.
I threw the mic in their direction and I remember thinking, "Am I losing my mind? This Mic is thousands of dollars and now it will be broken." But when it hit the ground it bounced and then started bouncing off all the seats in the sanctuary that were empty.
As it bounced, the Mic turned the color red and got bigger until it was so huge it was like a boulder. It was a Mic with the fire and rock of the Lord. (Photo via Unsplash)
Then the Holy Spirit said to me loudly in the dream, "My Word will not return void but accomplish the purposes for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11). As I woke up and began to pray, I realized God was saying that when His voice goes out, it will continue to grow with fire until it accomplishes what He sent it to accomplish. This word will be carried even by His humble servants who go unnoticed by others but God notices them.
God had spoken to me a few weeks before that this would be the year where He would establish covenant promises with His people. God establishes these promises with us because we are His children, bought with the covenant Blood of Jesus. When God's Word is spoken and released by us with faith, it will come to pass.
When we talk about God establishing His promises with us, what does this mean? Well, a covenant promise is...(continue reading)