I'm just inspired and encouraged by the words coming out for this next year and more...and I always look forward to what the prophetic voices from Australia are releasing to the Body of Christ.
Nate Johnston of Australia gives an excellent word for what the Church has to look forward to in this new era.
I would read this slowly and carefully and pray into it, as it's full of revelation from the throne of God for this kairos time upon us. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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There are some words God gives that are for months or even seasons, and others that are for more. There are words you carry with you because you were branded by them, and you know they won't be something that you pour out for just a season but for a lifetime.
While this word is part of a much larger conversation and deeper revelation, I feel this is a word for this hour to the Church, because He is readying His Bride for incredible and crucial days to come. Get ready, Church, God is getting us into shape because our greatest days are truly ahead of us!
A New Era and a Higher Call
The two words that have been burning in my spirit for months now are "FAMILY" and "NATIONS," and God has been downloading the most glorious heavenly blueprints of the Church's "Isaiah 60" era in action. It has caused a new hunger and passion to rise up in me for what He has shown me is coming.
God kept saying to me that this is the time of "family and nations" as if they were the same entity. I think that we, as the Body of Christ, have always put family on one spectrum and the call to nations on the other, but He was saying to me that He was going to stitch them back together where religion had torn them apart.
This is an hour of FAMILY and NATIONS, and God is breathing afresh upon both families and the family of God (the Church), bringing back maturity, healing, and authenticity. He is also igniting the call of the ECCLESIA to the NATIONS! (Photo via Pixabay)
In my heart, this call is one and the same. Imagine if the same presence and glory that we experience around the kitchen table were to release into the nations and affect whole cities? What if at bedtime the conversations to God with our kids became prayers that sparked global movements? What if the nights of worship, laying on our backs in lounge rooms and church floors, became the revival that sends the lost to their knees?
There is a commissioning happening right now, but there is also a deep preparation taking place to ready us for the days ahead. This is what all the warfare and opposition you have faced has been over! This is the commodity that is worth so much, and this is why you, as a child of God, royalty, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and an heir of nations, have been in the battle of your life and the greatest preparation season you have ever known!
God is calling home the lost, the orphans, the exiles and the outcasts, and He has been bringing great reformation to the family of God to accommodate them. The harvest will need a home to belong to! But equally, God has been arming the Ecclesia, readying the troops and calling us higher from a local "metron" mindset to a global one – from discipling communities to preparing to disciple and influence nations.
This is not just the hour of the family unit, it is also the hour of unity in the Church where God is healing divides and causing the family of God to come together. This will unleash a blessing so we will see the nations come to Jesus!
The Ruling Sword and the Rending Sword
A month ago, I was worshiping in my room when...(continue reading)