| | | | Co-Sponsored by The Elijah List  | We cordially invite you to The New Beginnings Prophetic Conference! This is prophetically happening on the 20th day of the year 2020 at the Ft Worth convention center. Every attendee will receive a personal prophetic word for the new year. Join Pastor Troy Brewer with Patricia King, Jamie Galloway, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Robert Henderson as they will be bringing our prophetic word for the new year. Worship will be led by Amanda Cooke, Paul Wilbur, and OpenDoor Worship. CONFERENCE SPEAKERS | Patricia King is a respected apostolic minister of the Gospel, a successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom’s advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries and co-founder of XPmedia.com. Patricia King Ministries (PKM) is committed to loving God, loving people, and advancing the Kingdom in the earth through media, missions, events, outreach, and a commitment to growing in the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the indwelling grace of Holy Spirit. PKM believes that His light belongs in the darkness, shining the life and hope of Jesus to those who long to know Him. We also believe in exhorting, edifying, encouraging and training the people of God to walk in the fullness of all that has been made available to them through the finished work of the Cross.  Robert Henderson has been at the forefront of the apostolic reformation and is recognized for his passion to bring apostolic alignment to the Church and the business world. Founder and leader of multiple apostolic networks, including Global Apostolic Network as well as co-leadership of the United States Alliance for Reformation and Freedom Apostolic Alliance with Dutch Sheets, his passion is to empower people (pastors, leaders, and the Body of Christ as a whole) to reach their potential and to fulfill the purpose for which God created them. His teaching on "The Courts of Heaven" is one of the main elements to the discipling of nations. As the spirit realm is adjusted through legal actions based on the finished works of the cross, culture will be freed. Robert travels throughout the nation ministering and equipping churches and networks to understand function in the areas of awakening and reformation, signs and wonders, first fruits and breakthrough.  Jamie Galloway carries a revival message that imparts a lifestyle of the supernatural. After receiving a powerful encounter with God, Jamie immediately began an incredible journey into the supernatural. During this time, God began using Jamie in some very unusual ways while giving him a love for the Word of God, and a rich level of communion with Jesus. Jamie has a broad ministry experience from planting churches to speaking at stadium events in Brazil. He is a sought after conference speaker and has authored several books including, Supernatural Revolution and Secrets of the Seer. Currently, Jamie is involved in various media projects that highlight the supernatural move of the Holy Spirit. He has been featured in the fast paced documentary, Holy Ghost demonstrating on the street Holy Spirit encounters accompanied by the message of the Gospel.  Troy Brewer is the founding and senior pastor of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. He is known for delivering prophetic words for the year to come for the last 25 years. His relevant and authentic teachings, amazing insights, and studies on the wonders of God bring clear and simple understanding to complex Kingdom issues and principles. A modern-day abolitionist, Troy has a holy hatred for slavery. In an effort to redeem as many girls and boys as he can from the horrors of human trafficking, he founded Answer International, a ministry that pays the debts of slaves in India, Southwest Asia, Nepal, and Belize, setting them free in every way. Answer International gives these precious young ladies food, shelter and the medical care they and their children need, then sets their feet on a path of salvation through Jesus.  Rabbi Jason Sobel is a thought leader, storyteller, and spiritual guide dedicated to sharing teachings and resources that reconnect ancient Jewish wisdom and the contemporary teachings of Jesus. He is the co-author of "The Rock, the Road and the Rabbi", New York Times bestseller with Kathie Lee Gifford. He and his wife Stephanie founded Fusion with Rabbi Jason in 2012 as a resource for connecting Jewish and Christian followers of Yeshua to one another and ultimately restoring them to the rich inheritance of Torah wisdom and Yeshua-centered New Testament teaching. With profound wisdom in Hebrew numbers and letters, Jewish holidays, and prophecies fulfilled, Jason shares life-changing Scriptural truths and teachings that empower and equip people of diverse backgrounds | | | |  | |  | October 29, 2019 | | | | | |  | | | | Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321 | You are currently subscribed to elijahlist as: kukash@gmail.com Add mail@elijahlistmail.com to your email address book to ensure delivery. | Forward to a Friend | Manage Subscription | Subscribe | Snooze Your Elijah List Daily Prophetic Word email subscription is sent to you FREE OF CHARGE and is made possible through continued sponsored advertising support. 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