I found this recent word from Christianna Schreifels to be very insightful for this new year upon us.
In this article, Christianna gives a powerful revelation in what the Lord revealed to her as He said, "The camels are coming, the camels are coming, the camels are coming!"
If you want to find out what this all means...I encourage you to dig into this prolific word and revelation as you prepare yourself for the marvelous things the Lord will do for you and through you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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The Camels Are Coming!
On July 7, 2019, I woke up to a dream where I heard the Lord's audible voice saying, "The camels are coming, the camels are coming, the camels are coming!"
Upon hearing the Lord's voice, I woke up with incredible joy and great anticipation. By the third time I heard the Lord's voice saying, "The camels are coming," I had a clear vision. I saw a city that was desolate, a desert city filled with people. I was within its city gates, which were in ruin. The Lord had me pay close attention to those who lived there and the layout of the city's land.
Its buildings had suffered destruction and the land was scarce, yet the people were filled with great anticipation and joy. I understood very plainly that they chose to worship and trust the Lord during their trials and the Holy Spirit was saying, "Great was their reward."
As I prayed regarding what I saw, I felt the Lord impress upon my spirit that these were His favorite ones. Among these people I sensed such a deep love and honor for each other and the Lord's ways. Because of this, their desolate surroundings did not affect nor taint their focus on their Lord and Savior, and they kept their joy!
At the same time that I was taking all of this in, I could hear in the near distance the pounding of hooves upon the ground. As I turned toward the sound, I saw a large herd of camels running into the city gates.
As soon as the camels entered the city gates they came to a stop and waited for the supplies they carried to be taken by the beautiful people that dwelled there. The camels knew what was expected of them. The people then tended to the camels afterward with great care. Each camel had a double-sided supply pack filled to overflowing with gold coins, jewels and riches of various kinds.
What amazed me was when the Lord pointed out that not one piece of the riches had been lost in the camels' journey. These camels were dromedary camels, and they had come from far off. The Lord made it clear to me that He had sent them and had supplied the riches they carried to His people. He made sure that nothing was lost in the journey. (Photo via Unsplash)
As I waited on the Lord, I knew in my spirit that this supply of riches was about to be poured out upon His people. I began to worship the Lord and thank Him for what He had just shared with me. I knew the He wanted me to share this message for this Hebrew New Year, 5780.
Resources to Repair Our City Walls and Bless the Nations
While in prayer regarding this dream, I heard the Lord saying, "My people, you have lived long in the desert. I have seen your cities in ruins and heard your cries and received your worship. I have sent My camels to deliver to you all that I have promised. With this supply you will not lack to re-build the desolate places, to repair the breach within your city walls. And as you obey what I say to do, I will bless the works of your hands. I am delivering you who put your trust in Me, while suffering in obscurity and uncertainty."
Precious saints, we are going to see...(continue reading)