From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I know many of you have felt like you've gone through setbacks and delays...but on the contrary, God is bringing you into something far greater than you can imagine.
This recent article with prophetic exhortation from the Lord will minister to many of you as Helen Calder shares:
This is the heart of God. He says, "I am turning around the circumstances of those who have been turned-aside! The delay is subject to My design. You will see the greater glory!"
Now read the rest of this word and discover others who've gone through delays in their lives and how God turned it around. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Through Delays and Detours, YOU Are Becoming God's Message"
Helen Calder, Melbourne, Australia
Recently I heard God say, "I am using detours and delays for My glory! I am in charge of twists and turns! I am working all things together for good."
Have you ever had a vision or an assignment you believed was from God but it didn't go according to plan?
Sometimes, we envisage a direct path leading to God's promise, but for a time we find ourselves headed in an unforeseen direction! We may even be knocked back, slowed down, or sidelined for a season.
If you can relate to this, be encouraged, for your heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning and His timing is perfect. Life may take twists and turns, but nothing comes as a surprise to God.
You Are His Arrow
As things slow down we say, "Father, what is happening? I expected a quick outcome." (Photo via Pexels)
When God gives us a promise, we imagine being propelled into its fulfillment, like an arrow released from a bow! Yet, what often happens is this:
• We find ourselves moving at a slow pace.
• There may be complications, frustrations and delays.
• We are stalled in a waiting time we didn't expect.
But He says...(continue reading)