From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Many can sense it...we are at the dawning of a new day in the spirit realm. You, yes, you, can be apart of this dawning and cause it to happen around you.
"How?" you might ask.
On a recent morning, Kathi Pelton went into a vision and saw just what would cause this dawning in the Body of Christ.
I'm not going to give it on and be awakened! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Release Your Sound and Awaken the Dawn of a New Day!"
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR

For many months now the Lord has been highlighting roosters to me. Whenever something is highlighted continually before me, I make sure to not assume why or what He is speaking to me regarding the object or thing highlighted. So...I've been waiting, listening and watching for the revelation that aligns with God's times and seasons.
On a recent morning as I woke up, I saw what was nothing short of a powerful yet absurd vision. I saw Believers across the United States of America standing or perched on the tops of roofs like roosters, and they were crowing loudly without ceasing for the awakening of the dawn of the new day. They were not announcing the dawn, but rather their sound was causing the dawn to awaken!
I somehow understood that the light of the new day was being delayed by a dark force of opposition that kept our nation (and the nations of the world) in the darkest part of the night (it is darkest right before the dawn).
The Lord is calling Believers across the nation to...