From the Desk of Bill Yount:
God is bringing His prophets out of the woods who have preached to trees long before they have preached in pulpits.
David Lebo is such a prophet who the trees have heard from. He's a trailblazer from the hills of West Virginia who has been called to the nations.
I have known David for many years and we have ministered together. With fire in his bones, he ministers prophetically, seeing the gold in people, as the Holy Spirit burns away the wood, hay and stubble. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Be Anxious for Nothing! The Prince of Peace is Coming!"
David Lebo, Hedgesville, WV
In response to so much turmoil swirling all around and so much uncertainty trying to press into our lives, the Lord gave me a word for His people:
"My Peace Is in the Rain!"
"My Word declares in Phil. 4:6: 'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.' As you release everything over to Me, be anxious for nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! For even in this moment, the Prince of Peace is coming into your heart and life. The Prince of Peace, Almighty God, Everlasting Father – the Creator of the ends of the earth – His peace is a supernatural peace!
"The peace I give to you is not as the world gives. This is Heaven sent! This is supernatural and it's falling down in the 'Rains of My Presence.' My peace is in the rain! Let My rain saturate you to your very core, and allow the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to saturate your mind, heart, and very being to get 'soaked to the bone,' for the I AM that I AM is here. I am your peace, not your checkbook, not the government, not your circumstances. I AM! I AM! I AM YOUR PEACE!"
Let this soak in! Sometimes you have to pause and let the word soak into your very being. As you linger longer in His presence, it gives the Lord time to minister to you. The longer you stay, the more the rain will rise and create a flood of peace in your life!
A "Still-Water Flood"
The Lord says, "I am seeing a 'Still-water Flood' as far as the eyes can see; a flood of My presence is flooding your life and touching every area, saturating every dry place. And it's all just 'still water' stretching to the horizons all around with not even a ripple or a single wave. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Peace be still and know that I am God! I am your peace! I am your health! I am your healer! I am your deliverer! I am your everything. I am the I AM that I AM. Peace be still and know that I AM Jehovah Shalom. Peace be still and know that I am Jehovah Rapha. Peace be still and know that I am Jehovah Tsidkenu. Peace be still and know that I AM Adonai; know that I am El Elyon, the possessor of Heaven and Earth. Know Me as your Abba Father, Daddy, Papa God who loves you with an everlasting love who will never leave you nor forsake you.
"I am longing to...(continue reading)