From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Do you know the true meaning of a patriot?
Well, you're going to find out a great deal about this and more as you read through this recent article from Anita Alexander of Australia.
Yes, God is calling on the patriots to rise up in this day and be ignited for His cause.
Enjoy and be ignited. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Be Ignited in the Rise of the Patriots"
Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia
This word serves not only as a message for the Body of Christ in the USA, but also as a parallel, prophetic analogy of what the Lord is doing in His people throughout the earth. I believe that this content is a direct word for the whole United States as well, because of a very specific war they are engaged in right now.
"Unlocking" would be the word I would use to describe my latest ministry trip to the New England area in the USA this past October. A visit to George Whitefield's church in Newburyport, MA was a catalytic moment for me where the Lord began to reveal a movement He was arranging in secret which would unearth in the near future, taking the world by surprise and by storm. It will be a revolutionary movement that confronts the enemies of this age that would seek to steal a generation and generations to follow. This movement is the "Rise of the Patriots."
The original "Patriots" are known as those who fought for independence and freedom from the rule of the English crown in the American Revolution in the late 1700s. But there is much more that the Lord is unearthing and wanting us to see in this time. He is wanting us to understand how our present correlates with the term "PATRIOT" and a time of revolution that birthed a nation into freedom under God.
Origins of the Patriot
The word "Patriot" is a late 16th century word from the Greek "patriotes," which means "of one's fathers," and from "patris," which means "FATHERLAND." Doesn't "of one's fathers" imply that they are sons? A patriot is a son; a son who knows his inheritance and will defend and fight that heritage until death. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
Now interestingly enough, the origin of the term "Mother country," according to, derives from...(continue reading)