Intro from Julie A. Smith
As I read through Lana Vawser's recent article about God's daughters, I literally jumped out of my seat and was saying, "Yes! Amen" over and over again.
This really is a must read for all of God's daughters and also for men to read and support what God is doing through women across the earth.
As I read through this the words "world changers" kept coming to me.
I truly believe many of the women reading this are coming into a new calling of being world changers, and shifting culture and society where God is leading them to.
I've heard from more and more people that God is increasing their gifts, even this past week...and it's a new season of walking out this increase.
I encourage daughters to receive the words Lana speaks here straight from God's heart and forward on to everyone you know.
YOU are called for such time as this to do what Lana reveals here from the Lord:
"This is the era where you are stepping into boldness in Me like you never have before. This is the era where you are stepping into the revelation of who you are in Me and the giftings I have given you – the anointing I have placed upon you – in greater fullness and WITHOUT APOLOGY."
What is God calling you to in this new era? Be bold as you step out in your anointing...without apology! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor and Producer
Elijah List Publications and Elijah Streams TV
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Daughters of God, Step Into Your Anointing Without Apology"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
This week the Lord continued to speak to me regarding the daughters of God. I had a vision and I saw snakes slithering into the lives of many of these women. These snakes were slithering in with their lies and "half truths" to bring doubt into the hearts of the daughters of God about what God was saying and the direction God is leading them. I saw many daughters of God surrounded by this whirlwind of confusion and there was a fog that was resting over them. They could "see" but things weren't clear. As this was taking place, I heard the Lord's voice thundering over the daughters of God:
"I am breaking the attack of confusion over your mind, heart and eyes as you seek Me. I am bringing you deeper into a realm of discernment that you have not experienced before. I am bringing you deeper into an anointing to expose and uncover the lies of the enemy and to decree My truth that will bring tremendous, supernatural shift."
Without Apology
Again, I began to see the battle over the "mouths" of the daughters of God in this new era. The battle continued over them to silence them and to intimidate them and cause them to remain in "hiding" and pushed back into a corner. Yet, this is the era where the Lord is...(continue reading)