From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I'm sure many of you reading this want to experience more FREEDOM in your life that the Lord freely gave to us all.
If that's you, you'll want to dig into this awesome word from Helen Cobanov of Australia.
I'm sure encouraged by the many prophetic voices that are being released from Australia, offering us powerful revelations from the Lord.
Read this word by Helen and learn how to walk in freedom...right now and into this new year. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"In 2020, Freedom and Ownership Are YOURS!"
Helen Cobanov, Brisbane, Australia

As we head into 2020, a new decade, and what many are calling a new era, I hear the word "FREEDOM" thundering and the word "OWNERSHIP" ringing out over God's people.
Over the past few months, the Lord has been speaking strongly to me about the word "freedom." The Lord started to show me that He is EXPOSING the schemes of the enemy, by SHINING A LIGHT on the things that over time have been deeply buried and hidden in His people. Past hurts, pain, grief, emotions, lies, sins, doubts, wrong attitudes, hardness and more often hold us back and stop us from stepping into the fullness of all He has planned.
The enemy uses these things to trap and trip us, take us captive and keep us bound and shackled. When the Lord brought the Israelites out of slavery, He didn't just offer them a moment of relief or breakthrough and send them right back into the hands of their captors! No, He set them FREE...then He led them into the Promised Land!
"Let me be clear; the Anointed One has set us free – not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past." (Galatians 5:1, TPT)
Ripple Effect
As the Lord was speaking to me about this, I saw...