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From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I've often said that Cindy McGill is the real deal... she is one who goes out into the highways and byways, where most wouldn't venture to go.
In this challenging time, Cindy offers us some amazing and deep insight from the Lord in her latest article.
As I read through this, I totally agree with her...God's on our side and He has Big Plans for us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Hey, God's On Our Side and Has Big Plans"
Cindy McGill, Salt Lake City, UT
It's no big secret that we've been in a long process of change, re-posturing and unexplained circumstances that we've yet to receive answers to, but in all of it, God is working things in us and through us according to His will and purpose.
God said, "...I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). In this reconstruction time, many of the structures and pillars we used to lean on are no longer available to us. When God builds something new, the previous structure is torn down, so when something new emerges, there is no going back to old ways and ideas. Literally everything we are walking through and have walked through is for a purpose that is forthcoming. God doesn't waste a thing.
It can be pretty easy at times to feel forgotten, overlooked, washed up and left out, but God has His eye on us. It is God who takes us from the wilderness to the broad open places. He is the One who promotes and advances. When the spotlight of Heaven is on us, there is no way it's not seen. Each one of us is carrying a message and God has full intention to have it shared and heard at exactly the right moment. There is always a time for everything and a season for everything. There is a HUGE release coming. Where there's been hindrances and set backs, there is now coming a major launching.
It's Time to Move On
This is the TIME TO MOVE ON. God has spoken to you and instructed you to change directions in your life for His...