Intro from Demontae Edmonds:

Years ago, I walked into a restaurant and saw the presence of the Lord on a lady seated at a nearby table. I walked over to her and said, "You must be a prophet of the Lord!" That exchanged led to a fruitful ministry partnership and co-laboring to fulfill many Kingdom assignments.
Throughout the years, I have personally experienced the teaching and prophetic ministry of Dr. Kim Black. God has uniquely anointed her to pull on the heartstrings of His spiritual children and congregations by releasing the deep yearnings of the Father's heart for them.
God often uses her to express His divine design for His children through powerful, poetic revelation and imagery. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Long to Kiss My Bride"
Kim Black, Williamsburg, VA
The Bible shows us that the first miracle manifested through Christ was at the wedding of Cana. In this atmosphere filled with love and celebration, Jesus moved "before His time" and turned water into wine. As a result of this new wine, the wedding guests began to exclaim, "You saved the best wine for last!" The book of John adds that Jesus did this, the first of His signs, and it revealed His glory (John 2:11)! This first miracle of water to wine had unstoppable effects. The greatest of these effects was that the disciples began to believe in Him.
A new wine paradigm is emerging and has been heralded throughout the Body of Christ. This "new wine" truth is not just about new structures, patterns and systems, it is a call to return to, what I call, the "face place" of God in pure and abandoned worship of our Bridegroom. The Bride, surrendered in love, will encounter Christ in ways which ignite faith and action like never before.
Truly, Jesus saved the best for last. The revelation of the healing power of His love will ignite the nations with revival.
Our First Desire
I heard the Lord say...(continue reading)