From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
For our readers who've been following us for years, you know that one of my favorite messages to share about is God's message of GRACE.
This is a time for us to really walk out God's grace message as new salvations come into the Kingdom of God in this harvest hour.
When we got saved, none of us were perfect, and we needed great grace as we walked out our salvation.
Remember this as you read this excellent word from Kyle T. Miller and the words and revelation from the Lord he shares today. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Kanye Controversy and the Next Great Move of God"
Kyle T. Miller, Little Rock, AR

Why Folks Mad About Kanye?
The hip-hop star, Kanye West, made shock waves when he began to hold his now-infamous "Sunday Services." What has been described by some as a "pop-up church" with lots of music and a little preaching sprinkled in, has drawn vehement criticism. I'm not really surprised about the criticism. Kanye has been known to spark controversy.
So I wasn't surprised about Kanye drawing criticism for his professed faith in Christ. And should we really be that surprised about Kanye's conversion? Let's be real; one of Kanye's early double-platinum singles was "Jesus Walks." It didn't take a rocket scientist or a prophet, for that matter, to figure out even back then that Kanye had a calling on his life.
I remember when I first heard "Jesus Walks." I was with one of my classmates, Calvin, from Fuller Theological Seminary. We were at his house in the San Fernando Valley talking outside. His son, Ryan, very excited, walked up to us with his iPod and said, "Dad, you need to listen to this song!" Calvin listened to the song. And then I listened to it. Despite a few unnecessary profanities mixed in, I actually felt the anointing on "Jesus Walks." I thought to myself...