From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

There have been some very keen and detailed words released from prophetic voices for next year and beyond.
Elaine Tavolacci is one who spends time in the secret place with the Lord to receive insight for the times and seasons we are in.
Below she shares what the Lord told her about the "roaring 20s" we are entering into.
I was highly encouraged as I read through this...and I know you will be too.
Read this excellent prophetic article from Elaine...and know it's YOUR TIME! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Welcome to the Golden 20s"
Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY
As I was inquiring of the Lord about a word for the year 2020, the Holy Spirit brought me back to "The Roaring 20s." I did some research on it and this is what I found. The Roaring 20s was an age of dramatic social and political change. The name was derived from the popular, exuberant, freewheeling culture that defined that decade. It was an era that bought dramatic social and political change, freedom to women, and major advances in science and technology. Germany referred to the 1920s as "The Golden 20s" or "The Happy 20s." For them, it was also a time of freedom and financial stability.
There were many inventions that shaped and transformed America in the 1920s. Advances in technology led to the age of electricity for many homes in America, which provided them with the power required to run new labor-saving devices such as refrigerators, washing machines, radios, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, electric razors and irons.
In the 1920s many inventions were made that changed the course of history. The bulldozer was invented in 1923, and the first traffic signal was also patented that same year. The electric iron and the jukebox were introduced in 1927, as well as the first electric television. Penicillin and the first "modern" recliner chair were invented in 1928. The first pair of modern sunglasses was invented in 1929. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929.
Divine Revelation
The Lord showed me that there was going to be explosive growth in technology in the 2020s. The Holy Spirit is going to release knowledge that is not known to man in the natural but will be released through divine revelation.
When I began to write this, the Holy Spirit reminded me of something that He had told me at the beginning of the year. He said, "Your natural mind could not comprehend the things that I will show you in the... (continue reading)