Daughter of God—Do you know what God's prophetic assignment for your life is? It's time to rise up, release your prophetic voice, and GO into every dark corner of the world! Log onto elijahstreams.com right now to order Larry Sparks product offer called: "Arise Daughter! A Prophetic Call to Receive Your Kingdom Assignment" Ask for offer number: 1044 This package includes: Larry Sparks and Patricia King's book: "Arise! A Prophetic Call for Women to Receive Swords, Mantles and Kingdom Assignments" and Larry Sparks' 3-CD set that will help you to walk in your God-given authority and destiny! In their co-authored book, Patricia King and Larry Sparks extend a timeless invitation from Heaven to the daughters of God. You'll learn how to: - Rediscover your dreams, visions, gifts and career ambitions
- Occupy the high places and influence culture
- Receive mantles and swords from the heavenly realm to fulfill your divine assignments.
In Larry Sparks audio messages, he recorded just for you, our Elijah Streams viewer, he reveals: - How Women have a unique and powerful glory—all their own.
- The LIES that keep women sidelined.
- Words for Men, and God's strategy through BOTH His Sons AND Daughters
- And Powerful prayers with the call for Women to TAKE their place in the Kingdom!
When Women Arise, lead and prophesy, the ROAR of the Church will emerge with force and power! Log on to: elijahstreams.com right now to order Larry Sparks product offer called: "Arise Daughter! A Prophetic Call to Receive Your Kingdom Assignment" made exclusively just for you—our Elijah Streams viewer. This package is all yours for a donation of just $39 dollars. Shipping and handling included. Ask for offer number: 1044 To order by phone, call the toll-free number listed below, or to order online CLICK HERE.  Or you can send your check to: ELIJAH STREAMS 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Please Specify Offer Number: 1044 Or Call: (866) 967-3665 |