From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
There are times when we feel we have toiled and toiled...sowing a lot of seed along the way, but to no avail – we don't see the fruit from our labors yet...
The "YET" is what I want you to believe for in the harvest that is here as you cast your nets on the other side.
You will read about this and much more from Anita Alexander's article as you read about what God is bringing to pass right now. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Net-Breaking Harvest Is Here"
Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia

It's Time!
It's time for visions and mandates to be birthed. It's time for dreams to be realized! It's the APPOINTED TIME.
The Lord spoke to me and said, "Though you think it tarries, wait!" In other words, it is not tarrying – your vision and your dream has an appointed time! Don't give up on it though it is lingering. Sometimes other things need to line up for your dream to birth in the right environment. Don't walk away from it. IT WILL SURELY COME TO PASS and IT WILL NOT DELAY. You haven't come this far to cave now! Are you weary? Yes – BUT GOD!
Net-Breaking Harvest
I felt the Lord take me to Luke 5, the story where the disciples were toiling, fishing all night and catching NOTHING. Jesus came to them in the morning when they were exhausted and told them to throw the net out one more time. Then they caught a net-breaking hall of fish!
Sometimes when we feel our weakest, frustrated and weary in heart because NOTHING is happening, the Lord comes to us and whispers...