"Giving Tuesday"—Why is Dec. 3 a Day for "Cheerful Giving?"
Dear Elijah List Ministries Friend,
WHO KNEW what an amazing (and often challenging) year 2019 would be?
Well, in some ways, it's good that we are at the end because...the BEST IS YET TO COME in 2020!
2020 is going to be a year like no other year in your life and the 20/20 "name" of the year is your clue. More than any other year so far, you will be able to SEE VERY CLEARLY what God is saying and showing you.
It's time to rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
I would like to quickly share about GIVING TUESDAY and here is just a short quote by CBN about this amazing day...
"For years, you've constantly heard about the Black Friday sales after Thanksgiving and, of course, Cyber Monday. But there's one day that was set aside in 2012 as a global effort to give back and to transform not only your local community but the entire world.
"That day is GIVING TUESDAY—Dec. 3, and some might say it's actually more about the true spirit of Christmas."
Additionally CBN says:
"The subject of giving is also a central message in the Bible. Jesus taught about it, and the Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Corinth, reminds Christians that God loves a cheerful giver.
"'Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.' (2 Corinthians 9:7)
"...Jesus Christ, the greatest giver the world has ever known, left behind all of His glory and riches in Heaven to come down to this world and willingly give His life so that we all might have eternal life."
Derene and I want to thank you over and over again for taking just a few moments to stop and give whatever you feel you can cheerfully give to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES. It's not commonly known that the majority of giving to non-profit ministries happens the last few days of December on any given year.
The 21 of us who are helping in this ministry have only words of gratitude FOR YOU and of course, we give ongoing GLORY TO GOD FOR YOU and for your financial support.
Here is the link to give online: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/elmm.
Or you can mail your check to:
528 ELLSWORTH ST. SW, Albany, OR 97321
Bless you all and may you have the very best Christmas and New Year EVER!
Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders
Elijah List Ministries
PS: We are praying to God that this will be the best GIVING TUESDAY we have ever experienced. God bless you again and again and again and again!