From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a fascinating and strong revelatory dream by Jennifer Martin, which I believe is straight from the throne of God.
I believed for a long time that God is about to introduce new music, as well as put a new anointing on some other music that is already here.
Every new major move of God in history has seen new music that accompanies it. That music is always born from above, just like us when we are saved.
Please read this word with great excitement! We are not only about to witness what Jennifer shares here, but we'll become a part of this new awakening coming to our world!
We are going to sing and worship to new music...which is being introduced straight from Heaven, specifically to help this movement advance quickly and powerfully. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God's Plan for This New Decade Hidden in the Meaning of 1955, 1959 and 1965"
Jennifer Martin, Nashville, TN
Recently, I had a dream and saw the Body of Christ split into 3 sections. I was speaking to them all by walking back and forth a great distance. I was telling them that whenever the message of the secret place is preached I see the most miracles and healings.
As I was speaking, I fell into a trance where the Lord took me into a vision. Now remember, this is still in the dream. I've never fallen into a trance in a dream before, so I knew I was to really focus on what I saw.
I was shown a songbook and on the cover was the year 1955. Then another songbook took its place with the year 1959. And lastly...