From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Through the millennium, God has been using prophetic voices to reveal His plan and His agenda for mankind. We see it throughout Scripture and we still see this happening today.
Frequently, the prophetic word comes forth in a manner that is unmistakable, with the prophetic voice using phrases like "Thus says the Lord," or "The Lord says," as they bring forth the word of the Lord.
Sometimes, the Lord will release a powerful prophetic word, but initially it is cloaked in a simple phrase or idiom and not easily recognizable as a prophetic utterance when it is released; yet over time we begin to realize how profoundly prophetic that utterance is.
Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr., made this type of prophetic statement to me (Steve Shultz of the Elijah List) via text messages and other public outlets in 2016, which you'll see in Decoders right below. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Prophecy Decoders: Why Alveda King says Trump 'Is Like a Bull in a China Shop'"
Alveda King and The Elijah List
PROPHECY BY ALVEDA KING – November 29, 2016:
"Mr. Trump is like a 'bull in a china shop.' God also revealed this to me: 'Yes, and bulls are beautiful and magnificent creatures, and china is fragile.'"
Prophecy Decoders Analysis:
This statement was made by Alveda King around the time of the 2016 election, and notice the use of the idiom "bull in a china shop." According to the dictionary, an idiom is a common word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning, but can be understood because of its popular use.
The idiom "bull in a china shop" can mean one who is aggressive in a situation that requires delicacy and care. We have seen this scenario play out during the Trump presidency. However, notice the prophetic significance of the statement when you...