Intro from Steve Backlund:

I want to recommend Anne Ballard to you. She attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry from 2010-2013, with her last year serving wonderfully on my team as an intern.
She is a creative thinker, a successful businesswoman, a releaser of hope, and she represents Jesus well in who she is and what she does. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Backlund
Igniting Hope Ministries
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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Making Room for God to Move"
Anne Ballard, Redding, CA
In this season, God is placing the lonely in families and giving mothers and fathers to those who need them. There is a grace to make room for what's coming, even through the act of letting go of physical things, and I believe that God is meeting you as you let go.
Though many have been oppressed by the lie that their needs are unimportant or not allowed, God is redeeming those legitimate human needs – physical, spiritual, and emotional – and opening our eyes to them, showing us how to meet them in a healthy way.
Right now, life-altering transitions are...