"What Is Heaven Planning for 2020?" Elijah List Conference Speakers for this event were: Lance Wallnau, Katie Souza, Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow, Steve Swanson, and Steve Shultz! These Recordings are available in USB, DVD, CD, and MP3 download *Shipping will begin around the first week of February* From the Desk of Steve Shultz: WOW!! Our just-ended conference was off-the-charts, with tons of amazing revelation and prophetic teaching. We wish everyone could have been here, but we know that many of you were not be able to attend "What Is Heaven Planning for 2020?", that ran on January 9-11, 2020. If you could not make it this year (or even if you were here and forgot to order the messages before you left), we are now taking orders for the recordings of all 8 sessions in this amazing event. Order yours today below... ORDERS ARE PROCESSED AND SHIPPED ON A “First Come, First Served” basis! These recordings will be available in DVD, CD, MP3 Audio Download, and USB Audio/Video formats. The message sets are scheduled to begin shipping approximately the first week of February (or hopefully even sooner), and the MP3 download version will be emailed to you at that time as well. You'll get all 8 sessions from our speakers (Lance Wallnau, Katie Souza, Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow, Steve Swanson, and Steve Shultz). Just click the links below to order your "What Is Heaven Planning for 2020?" conference set today at these super-low prices, and we will ship them, in the order received, as soon as they are ready. Blessings,  Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News http://www.elijahlist.com P.S. As a reward for those of you who read this far, I am going to give you a bonus! All USA shipments will be absolutely FREE through January 31st... just enter the following code in the payment section of the checkout process. All letters must be capitalized. The code is: WIHPF2020 | | | | | | | |