Intro from Bobby Haaby:
Sanjna Mahtab has a great expression of the Father heart of God through her prophetic voice.
Because she is a woman of the Word of God, the lens through which she looks is clear and based on the solid foundation that the Word Himself became flesh and still dwells among us today.
Her love for the Body of Christ and for the beauty of the Lord also gives her a pure lens through which to view end-time scenario's as they now unfold.
Sanjna has a humble heart and recognizes that she sees in part and prophesies in part. That is what makes her a prophetic voice that is both relevant for our times and a credible trumpet for our generation.
Because the foundation of Sanjna's prophetic gift is love, she also has a unique ability to speak straight and without compromise.
You will be inspired and provoked to the greatness of God and the fullness that He has designed for your life. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Bobby Haaby, Senior Leader
Eagle Mountain Ministries
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"Transition Into the New Threshold!"
Sanjna Mahtab, Lynnwood, WA
Why Is This Time Important?
Body of Christ, it is vitally important that we spend time in the secret place during this time of transition through a major threshold. This current time is a season of needed preparation to not only be properly positioned to receive all the blessings in our promised lands, but to also be prepared to steward those blessings and our callings. It is imperative that we are positioned in full surrender and humility before God. He is scanning the Body of Christ, looking for His pure and righteous vessels, who will go forth without compromise in any way, shape or form.
There are major keys and strategies in the atmosphere that Heaven has released already in the wind of His glory. It is in our daily, intentional time spent in the secret place where we will receive what is extremely vital to the release of our callings, purposes, mantles and destinies, as well as the ability to steward every part of them.
Get in that daily time with God, tap into what He has for you, right now, and take what belongs to you. You will receive...