From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
We've been hearing reports of revival breaking out in Tennessee...this is very encouraging as we're going to see this happen on a grand scale across the nation(s) as well.
Be blessed from these amazing reports coming out of Tennessee and let's be praying into them as God continues to pour out His Spirit on all flesh! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"'God Has Revived Me!' Powerful Stories From the Ongoing Tennessee Revival"
Breaking Christian News/CBN News

"Well, Glory! How do I even begin to write on this card what God has done? The Holy Spirit has revealed sins and unforgiveness to me that I had cast from my memory. Those are now in the sea of God's forgetfulness. God has filled this church with a renewed desire to see the lost saved. Our youth are stepping up in the unimaginable ways. Most of all, the Lord has filled me with a desire to share daily with the unsaved and unchurched."
Rogersville, TN) – [CBN News] God has been moving in the hearts of people in the East Tennessee city of Rogersville over the past few weeks, sparking a revival that's spread across many churches. (Image: Courtesy of Barbi and Terry Franklin/via CBN News)
The East Rogersville Baptist Church is just one of 1,000 churches participating in the Awaken Tennessee initiative surging across the Volunteer State. It started as a 30-day prayer and fasting event on Jan. 26 that will continue through Feb. 23. It is estimated it will touch more than...