To ensure delivery of our emails to you, make sure that you add to your address book. To Unsubscribe, Scroll Down to the Bottom of this Email and Click the Safe Unsubscribe Link | February 9, 2020 "Get Ready for an Irruptive Year!" Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA From the Desk of Steve Shultz:  There are major shifts taking place in our nation and across the earth. We will continue to see this happen and steamroll in greater measure this year. Yes, there are many areas God is going to irrupt and bring change...for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done. We're going to see this in mighty ways. I'll leave you with this word of the Lord from Alane Haynes. Read the rest of this article and how you can prepare for an irruptive outpouring: "A great harvest is at hand; Holy Spirit movement will burst forth upon our land. Get ready for irruptive outpourings." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.  Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:  "Get Ready for an Irruptive Year!" Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA On January 10, 2020, I was in a hotel room as I was attending the Elijah List Conference in Albany, Oregon. I woke up with a debilitating migraine, and when I told my friend who was sharing the room with me, she said, "God wants to download something." We have known each other for 20 years, and she has seen this pattern in my life. As I lay there in misery, trying to go back to sleep, Holy Spirit brought me into an unusual and startling vision. Vision of the Snowy Owl I was staring at a pure white, brightly shimmering snowbank; it was so large that it filled my entire range of sight. After a short time, an iridescent light began to shine near the bottom right quadrant. I watched as it grew bigger and brighter until all at once... February 9, 2020 "Overnight, Accelerated Healing: Your Destiny Doors Are Opening!" Lorilei Cooley, Chicago, Illinois From the Desk of Steve Shultz: I know many people are struggling right now and are believing for restoration to come. You've been faithfully and fervently praying for a long time. I want you to grab hold of the powerful words that Lorilei Cooley shares in her recent article. I pray it encourages you that God is bringing healing to your innermost being and opening wide destiny doors before you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Overnight, Accelerated Healing: Your Destiny Doors Are Opening!" Lorilei Cooley, Chicago, Illinois As the Lord continues to bring accelerated healing and restoration from all your pain and sorrow, with clutter and debris being purged out of your heart and removed, you will gain greater clarity and sight unlike anything you have experienced before. The Lord is also rebuilding your stature, your confidence and strength in Him, as He restores you completely. What you have been enduring and have endured is far greater than you can understand or imagine. Some of the things that you have endured were necessary for the preparation of where you are going, and you would not be able to walk through these doors that the Lord is opening for you had you not endured and completed the process. I might even go so far as to say...  | NEW! What Is Heaven Planning for 2020? by Lance Wallnau, Katie Souza, Johnny Enlow, Elizabeth Enlow, Steve Swanson and Steve Shultz Note: *Shipping will begin around the first week of February* $55.00  | $69.00  | $39.00  | $69.00  | | |