| | The Elijah List is able to bless you with daily prophetic words free of charge because of our trusted advertising partners. For more information, click here. | | Experience God Conference February 28-29, 2020 About Are you looking for something more? Do you want to encounter God? At the Experience God Conference, you will be intimately acquainted with Jesus Christ and receive 20/20 Vision for the Mission. | Location: 7805 SE 17th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97202 Click Here for a map Schedule: February 28-29, 2020 Friday (February 28) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm – Bobby Conner & Patricia King Saturday (February 29) 10:00 am – 12:00 pm – Patricia King 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Aaron Winter 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm – David Herzog | | Speakers Bobby Conner: For almost five decades, Bobby Conner has been ministering around the world as a seasoned prophet of God. Bobby served as a Southern Baptist pastor for 27 years with his beloved wife, Carolyn. Together they then founded Eagles View Ministries; a global ministry mandated to establish the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of God's power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5) and also called to empower and equip the Body of Christ to take dominion. Bobby and Carolyn strive to raise up an overcoming generation (transcending age and gender) by boldly proclaiming God's highest standards of purity and Christ's resurrection power—the keys to the transformation of nations. | Patricia King is a respected apostolic and prophetic minister of the Gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries and co-founder of XPmedia.com. | Aaron Winter serves as the President of Hearts of Fire International Ministries, Inc. Together with his wife Nicole, they have impacted thousands of lives through conferences, leadership seminars, revival meetings, and international crusades that have seen audiences exceed 100,000 people in attendance. Aaron is a published author, the host of an internationally syndicated television program HEARTS OF FIRE, on The Now Network. In 2016, Aaron formed the Northwest Prayer Summit, a large apostolic and prophetic gathering in Portland, OR. This event is designed to activate, edify and mobilize pastors, leaders, and the Body of Christ to fulfill the Northwest Apostolic Prayer Mandate. | David and Stephanie Herzog are the founders of David Herzog Ministries. Their passion is to live in the Presence and Glory of God through intimacy with God in the Holy Spirit, to equip Believers to do the greater works and to bring the gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world. On January 18, 2020 David Herzog is hosting Awaken 2020 at Sun Devil Stadium, located in Phoenix, Arizona. An estimated 50,000 people are expected to be in attendance. | Worship Torrey Marcel Harper is the Senior Director of Global Prayer Room located in the heart of New York City. Torrey carries a burning heart to see lives encounter the transforming presence of God both personally and corporately. Torrey is an emerging young prophetic voice in this hour, and moves strongly in words of knowledge, and is a passionate worship leader. Torrey has led prophetic worship all over the world for some of the most recognized prophetic voices in the world including Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, Che Ahn, Patricia King, Heidi Baker, Joseph Garlington, Dutch Sheets, and many others. |  | | |  | | | | | |  | |