From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This article called "The Month of MOVE" has the anointing of God all over it.
AT exactly the time when many of you reading this are most discouraged and nearly ready to give up, either because of discouragement, finances or fear, God is saying to you that "IT'S TIME TO PACK YOUR BAGS" because something new is about to happen.
For a few of you, this may be a literal move. But perhaps for most of you, God is saying, "This change will be so sudden that it will be AS IF you've completely moved to another place."
Be encouraged and ENJOY! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The Lord has continually been showing me the Church looking like the Israelites when they were in captivity (Ex. 1-12). He's been showing me there have been so many people, in this captive place, decreeing and declaring His words over themselves. They know the Lord is moving on their behalf and have been faithfully waiting for, what has felt like, a lifetime. Yet they are still stuck in this place, unable to move forward. This has been a difficult place to be, but it has been a place of preparation and removing long-standing hurts, offenses and chains from the past. Those who have not given up in the waiting, this is your set time!
Clothed in New Garments
You have been feasting on Him and His words, like the Israelites did with the Passover lamb. In your obedience, you have been clothed in your cloaks with your sandals on your feet. The Lord is saying, "You are no longer clothed for the past seasons but for the new one I'm leading you into! You are now dressed for your Promised Land!"
The move from captivity will be sudden! Trust His timing and not your ideas of it in this moment. Trust that He is moving you from the oppression of the past seasons. As you have feasted, He has healed you and made you whole. You are no longer walking on shaky legs and no longer walking on feet that will cause you to stumble – NO. He has made you strong!
He is also making the enemy pay back all that was stolen in seasons past. You WILL be weighed down with the wealth of Egypt; the enemy WILL be paying it all back with interest! Everything you should have held in the past, you will hold NOW. NOW is the time!
Postured for the Promise
The Lord is reminding us to declare as Elisha did (2 Kg. 7:1) that "...About this time tomorrow..." it will not be as it has been! He is also reminding us to remain steadfast like Elijah and " go and look again..." (1 Kg. 18:43). Keep your eyes toward Heaven and you will see those long-awaited promises begin to form like a cloud the size of a man's hand!
What you have seen in the spirit, you already have possession of! It may be off in the distance, but it IS yours. It IS COMING. (Photo via Unsplash)
As we move from our captive places with our praise and rejoicing, let us not forget to recount His faithfulness in our past seasons (Deut. 8). We can be at the crossover place, that final step taking us into our Promised Land, and yet forget the journey and places the Lord has brought us through. It can be easy to quickly forget those hard places as we step into our miracle. Let's remain postured in the exciting places the same way we are postured in the difficult ones.
"After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses' aide: 'Moses My servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them – to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses." (Joshua 1:1-3 NIV)
I propose that you view this Scripture above as such: Moses is the representative of the old you; the old, captive places you previously resided. Those things are now dead. You are new in this new season and place, BUT the promises of God were given to you in those old places. And even though you are walking in the "now," our faithful Lord and Father is... (continue reading)