Intro from Steve Backlund:
I want to recommend Anne Ballard to you. She attended Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry from 2010-2013, with her last year serving wonderfully on my team as an intern.
She is a creative thinker, a successful businesswoman, a releaser of hope, and she represents Jesus well in who she is and what she does. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Backlund
Igniting Hope Ministries
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

In the month of March, I believe that God wants to remind you of the promises He's made to you, showing you how you can partner with Him to see them come to pass. I believe that He is also healing the hearts of those who have longed for fruitful relationships but experienced pain instead. Watch for Him to bring breakthrough as you lay down your agenda of how these relationships should look. Also watch for truth to be revealed in the media, and ask God to show you His answers as you embrace humility.
Many people are facing situations that feel impossible, and they may even feel powerless to change them. But be encouraged, God is bringing solutions to things that have felt impossibly big and insurmountable.
Land of Milk and Honey
"And you shall write on them all the words of this law, when you cross over to enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you." (Deuteronomy 27:3)
Just as God made a promise to the Israelites that he would lead them into a land flowing with milk and honey, God wants to remind you of the promises He's made to you. He is faithful to fulfill what He has promised you. The land of milk and honey was Israel's inheritance, but at the same time there was effort required by the Israelites to steward that promise well. In order to have milk, cows must be tended. In order to have honey, bees must be kept and the honey extracted. God delights in our partnership; we co-labor with Heaven to walk into our promises.
Before Israel inhabited their Promised Land of Canaan, they became angry with God in the waiting. In order for them to receive their promise, they had to believe Him and take Him at His word. Instead, they lacked belief in His capability, faithfulness, and loving nature. Just like with a people-mover at the airport, you have to take the initial step, and then the momentum of the device carries you forward. When it comes to God's promises, we often play a vital role in seeing them come to fruition.
God is reminding us of His promises to us. We are privileged to partner with God and co-labor with Him to obtain our promise.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)
The tension of standing in faith is that we are choosing to believe God while we wait for it to come to pass. We don't stand in faith when we see it, but before we see it. This month, ask God to show you how you can intentionally take a step toward your Promised Land. Be reminded that those who are not full of faith will not understand. Surround yourself with people of like-minded, bold, and courageous faith. Your single step, made in faith, is bringing you that much closer to your breakthrough. Take a step today and partner with what God is doing in your life! (Photo via Unsplash)
Healing Hearts
"And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers..." (Malachi 4:6)
Most of us have at some point in our lives longed for a relationship that felt elusive and just out of reach. For some, it's been upsetting for a moment, and for others, it has led to years of heartbreak and confusion. In many instances this relationship has been a part of your family, and for others of you it was a friendship or a romantic relationship. I believe that God is bringing healing this month to people who have histories of painful relationships. For some of you, these relationships will be supernaturally restored overnight, and for others God will bring healing to your hearts apart from those relationship being realized.
The key for this breakthrough to be manifested is... (continue reading)