Intro from Darren Canning:
Daniel Pontious is a man of God who loves to spend time in the presence of the Holy Spirit, gathering revelation from the Lord.
I have come to appreciate him as a prophetic voice. His words mean a great deal to me personally, and I consider him a friend.
I know you will appreciate this man of God. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Darren Canning
Darren Canning Ministries
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Prophets Inside a Mountain
Just recently I dreamed an extremely vivid dream. In the dream, there was a group of prophets held up inside a cave upon a mountain top. As I observed their activity within the hidden recesses of the cave, I noticed that there wasn't just two or three prophets inside this cave, but hundreds of them.
Within the center chamber of this cave, there was a large, round stone table, and as I observed the activity around the table (for there were many prophets around this table), Jesus appeared with them, and in front of Him, upon the table, were battle plans and blueprints for war.
Jesus appeared to be instructing these prophets in not only what to do and say, but giving them supernatural authority over the angelic in other regions and spheres of influence. Jesus wasn't dressed in royal robes or as a suffering Savior, but He was clothed as the Prince of the Lord's Hosts, and Commander of the Armies of God (Joshua 5:13-15).
As I watched Him laying out plans for the prophets within this cave, I couldn't help but notice that there was also activity towards the back of the cave. As I directed my attention there, I noticed that there were prophets placing large amounts of dynamite in the interior of this cavern. There was so much dynamite that it completely filled the back of the cavern.
Just then, My view panned to the outside of the cave, where I could now see the mountain itself that the cave was in. Upon the mountain was the word "Religion," and it looked like it was engraved on its face.
As I sat there, trying to understand the images I was seeing, suddenly a lot of activity started happening around the outside of the cave. The prophets began emerging from the cavern with Jesus at their head, and the WHOLE top of the mountain exploded in front of my eyes! (Photo via Unsplash)
As Jesus and the prophets raced down the mountain, I realized that someone had lit the fuse upon the stockpile of dynamite, blowing the top of the mountain completely off; hot lava began to stream down from the peak and into the valleys below.
As the army of prophets continued their descent from the mountain, with Jesus in the lead, hosts of angels began to appear as groups of prophets split off from the main group and headed for their target areas Jesus had directed them towards.
The hot fire of the lava (God's Dunamis power) flowed into the valleys below the mountain, igniting everything in its path, consuming them but not destroying them. The fire of God ignited the trees of the forests below while completely destroying the briers and thorns wrapped around them.
Meanwhile, the prophets went forth to the other 6 mountains around the valley to capture their targets, taking with them the angelic hosts dispatched by Jesus to aid them.
What This Means for the Body of Christ
So many people in the Body of Christ have been camped out in caves within religious structures all over the place, receiving instructions and plans from the Lord Himself, and waiting for the time to come forth from the caves they've been hiding in.
These prophetic people have been stockpiling "dynamite" inside of their lives in anticipation of a massive explosion of God's power – power to transform the mountain of religion into a full manifestation of revival and outpouring.
As that stockpile of God's Dunamis power is ignited, it's not just going to blow the lid off of religious spirits, it is going to transform religious institutions into active volcanoes of Holy Spirit fire! The fire of God will... (continue reading)