From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
As fear is gripping many across the world, more than ever we are called to be the "light of the world."
On God's agenda, we are being stirred, prepared...before a great release of harvest at hand.
David Lebo shares this powerful word to the Church right now:
"God is putting together a Kingdom people who will bring in the harvest together. They will plant together. They will water together. They will bring in a harvest together. It is not a one man show or a one woman show any more. God is raising up an army of like-minded people who will..."
Read on, because in this time of preparation will come incredible Kingdom opportunities! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

It is a kairos time in history. His story in you is being written – a divine moment in time. Many have endured great trials and testing, and the words they have received from the Lord in days past have seemed to be delayed over long periods of time, seeming as if they may never come to pass, almost as if they have been forgotten or missed.
My heart has been heavy for these ones. Many of them feel as if they are running out of hope and can't seem to understand what the Lord is doing – even questioning if they heard God correctly in the first place those many years ago.
As I have been praying into this, the Lord began to speak concerning these things:
The Father said, "My banner over you is love! I'm so full of love for you that I want to shout it out to the world! I love you," says your Abba Father, Papa God. He declares over you, "My child, My child, I am so delighted in you. I want to shout it out with the very shofar of God, into all the nations, how proud I am of who you are and who you have become in Me. I give My angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways (Ps. 91:11).
Your Weapon of Praise
"In your times of worship with Me, as you begin to lift up your voice, you'll begin to sing with My angels. The very choirs of Heaven will join in on your worship. You are a worshiper first and foremost. That is who you are, and that is a mighty powerful place to be. The Father seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23).
"When you bow down low, all of Heaven – you demand its attention. When you begin to sing to Me, the angels are called to attention! I call you today, O mighty warrior, and I sing My songs of praise over you in this moment, in a 'Zeph. 3:17' reality. Your praise is not just a pretty song, it is a weapon! The sounds of Heaven begin to join the sounds in the earth. You will not just sing to Me, you will sing with Me!
Like a Diamond Ring Set in Gold
"This is a divine moment of your positioning. You've been a little off of your position. You didn't know it fully – who you are and what I have called you to be. Man tried to place you but it didn't fit – wrong place, wrong time. There was some pain and much frustration involved.
"But now I, the Lord your God, am hand placing you by My mighty hand, taking you from the 'Stonemason's Altar' – the place of the pounding of the hammer. You have heard it for many years, for some even decades. You've said, 'OK, Lord, enough is enough, I get it. I have felt the pounding, the purpose in the pain.' There was almost a rhythm to it. You could feel the rhythm of the hammer upon your life. 'Is not My Word like a hammer that breaks the rocks to pieces?' (Jer. 23:29). You said, 'Lord, why?' (Photo via Unsplash)
"All the while, I was shaping you and refining you, getting every rough place smooth in you. I was polishing you. You weren't ready yet; a little more here, a little more there; a little polishing here, a little more sanding – a finer refining. There was some friction; sparks were flying. It was a tough process. You said, 'O God, how much longer?' The Father said, 'Not much longer, My child. I am developing My patience and My character in you, chipping away at all you don't need.'
"And now, at this kairos moment of 'His-story' in you, at the right moment, at the right time, you are ready now. You are ready now! I am placing you in a divine placement in the right moment, at the right time, apostolically and prophetically, by the very hand of God, in the wall of My tabernacle," says the Lord. "You are ready now. You're ready now. And from the moment of your placement, you'll be transformed from a common, ordinary rock, seemingly with little value, that was pounded on for years, into a bright, shining gemstone in the tabernacle of My wall. You will shine brightly as a sapphire, ruby, or diamond, full of many lights with many colors – a full-spectrum blessing with many expressions coming forth from you!"
I'm also hearing the word "gold." God says, "You'll be wrapped in gold, a symbol of the divine nature of God, like a diamond ring set in gold, taken from the King of king's finger and placed on His beloved in a divine setting and positioning through relationship!"
In this new season, you are now rightly fitted, rightly placed by the very hand of the Master. It's the perfect fit now! It feels right; looks right! It's perfect! Beautiful! Your ring is custom made – perfectly your size! It's a perfect size, perfect fit, perfect shape, perfect timing and perfect placement now, in Jesus name.
You'll shine now with the glory of God because it's right now – the right time, the right place. People of God, there was divine purpose in the pounding and the pain, but now I declare to you today... (continue reading)