Intro from Julie A. Smith
Being from Thailand, I really appreciate this word regarding Asia from my friend, Ella Onakoya.
I was in Thailand in December, before any of this coronavirus was reported. I had an incredible time visiting, praying and connecting with others in Pattaya, Bangkok, and Chiang Mai, Thailand. While visiting Pattaya, the sex-trade capital of the world, the place was packed with women being sold and many wanting their business. The Lord told me to declare a new name and a new identity over the city and over the women.
In the last couple of days I've seen news reports from Pattaya that "entertainment businesses" have been shut down. This is unheard of!
Though so much chaos is happening across the globe, corrupt places have also come to a halt.
While this shaking is happening all around, I encourage us in this "pause" to pray for the nations of the earth, that godly change would happen. Yes, godly transformation would be the very "good" which would come out of this as many areas of darkness are defeated – as well as the coronavirus!
Be blessed by key revelation from Ella's article...and let it empower you in your own prayer life for the nations. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor and Producer
Elijah List Publications and Elijah Streams TV
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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On January 5th, 2020, I had a dream where I was on my way to minister in Europe. As I prepared to leave, I opened my suitcase and saw a vision of an East Asian lady in chains seeking desperately to be free. In that dream, I could hear her thoughts on how she had been walking around freely but suddenly found herself in chains. Suddenly it felt imperative that I needed to see the lady brought to freedom.
My initial thought after the dream was that it was about individuals who were in bondage, but later on as I fasted and prayed, I received more revelation from the father that the Asian woman in my dream represented nations in Asia that Heaven wants to set free.
Many nations in Asia are in bondage to sin, diseases and plagues such as SARS, Bird flu and most recently, the coronavirus which originated from China. It is clear that the enemy is on an assignment to lay waste this nation with disease and oppression.
Recently, a man from China who recovered from the coronavirus described the intense symptoms he had as feeling like he was at the gates to Hell! The assignment of the enemy is to decimate, through sickness, a large number of unsaved people in this region and take them to Hell.
Today, the coronavirus has spread to many nations, but while we must pray for its demise in all nations, I sense God's urgent call for us to also pray for Asia for their freedom, salvation and that the gates of demonic portals in Asia, where plagues are released as a channel to other nations, would be shut in the name of Jesus. We must have a long term strategy of prayer for East Asia or else when the coronavirus is overcome (and it surely will be), the enemy will just simply release other plagues through these spiritual gates that are open in Asia.
Although many people in China and other nations in East Asia are turning to Jesus, there is still a great level of darkness due to the large number of the unsaved – many of whom worship idols. The more hearts that are turned to Jesus, the greater the light of Jesus in Asia will cause the ancient gates of demonic access to plagues to close.
Prayer Directives for Asia
1. Isaiah 42:22 talks about a people robbed and plundered with no one to say, "Restore!" Individually and corporately, let us pray for the restoration of Asia to God's original plan and purpose for freedom, salvations and revival in every aspect of society. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
2. Pray and decree that as demonic gates are shut over Asia, Heaven's light and liberty will be released. Pray, decreeing Psalm 24:7, that spiritual gates will open and allow the King of Glory to come in. In my book, Spirit Led Evangelism, I shared about how the move of God came into a part of Gothenburg in Sweden during my ministry there, after the Lord had directed me to pray Psalm 24:7.
God's Revealed Strategy to Defeat Coronavirus in the Nations
The spread of the coronavirus to many nations is an understandable concern due to its highly contagious nature, several fatalities, and disruption to life and economy. However, the leading of the Lord is not to bow to fear, anxiety or to the panic being spread by the media. God is wanting to raise a Joshua generation who will not see the disease as a giant but a defeated foe.
Several years ago, there were reports of... (continue reading)