From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Johnny Enlow has the word of the Lord below. This subject is what we want and need our readers to understand.
The Word of God is filled with instruction to "Trust in the Lord," "Rest and put your hope in God," "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again I say, REJOICE!" And many more!
There are some prophets, or those who wish to be prophets, who have used this season to prophesy what is on the nightly news. Prophesying the content that can otherwise be viewed on the news DOES NOT A PROPHET MAKE!
You need to hear from prophets who get their "news" from the throne of God!
With that in mind, here is the word of the Lord through Prophet Johnny Enlow!
Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

It can be greatly disorienting to be in a storm, especially when key information on the storm is absent. Generally, we are able to prepare, endure and outlast a storm by knowing how strong it is and how long it will last. Absent of that intel, we are ripe for all sorts of panic and misinterpretation of the storm. Most storms, when processed in the midst of the storms themselves, will tend to feel like they will last forever and/or that they will lead to our destruction. With the global pandemic of a virus and accompanying fear, we are in such a storm. The relevant, biblical passage for this time is Mark 4:35-41.
Verse 35, starts out with Jesus speaking to His disciples by the Sea of Galilee saying, "Let us cross over to the other side." This is a most important phrase to remember, and it is very applicable to us today because we are in a storm that seems interruptive to "crossing over" but is not.
As the Mark 4 story continues, we see that as they crossed the Sea of Galilee a great storm suddenly came upon them. My version for verse 37 says, "A furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped." Such interesting choice of words for those who have been paying attention. As the story unfolds, Jesus is asleep in the stern and the disciples are panicked as He seems impervious to the storm that is real and filling their boat with water.
Jesus Strategically Asleep?
I, again, love my version of the Bible for this passage (Mark 4:38): "Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion..." Jesus is in the BACK of the boat and He is no just sleeping, but sleeping on a cushion. Ever been in a storm of life where that feels like the reality?
The disciples manage to awaken Jesus with "Don't you care if we drown?" This was not just a fear attack but a set of circumstances accompanied with an irrational fear. We have that today as well. Why do I say that it was an "irrational fear"? First of all, they could see Jesus and He was with them. Secondly, this whole thing started with Him saying, "We are crossing over." When Jesus prophesies He should be believed. Here, now, is an important insight for us today:
Jesus had said, "We are crossing over." He rebuked their pitiful faith for forgetting the last thing He had said. Today's application is that if you want to make it through this present global storm, the most important thing for you to remember is what was Jesus saying – through His prophetic voices – before the storm started? (Photo via Unsplash)
We came into 2020 with a consensus of prophetic voices (which is perhaps not a bad season for personally determining prophetic voices of credibility) speaking of an unparalleled breakthrough in so many ways. I suggest finding those prophetic words (see The Elijah List).
The point is that being in the middle of a storm is not the best time to be processing life or even the storm itself. In a storm, you are anchored by the last words of He who sleeps in and has authority over the storm. Jesus is going to awaken and is going to rebuke the storm itself – but not before chastising the disciples' missed opportunity to grow in faith (let's not do that). It is relevant to know (as all who have been to Israel would know) that crossing over the "Sea of Galilee" is literally a quick process. His "sleeping on a cushion" was for minutes or hours, not months or years.
Believe the Prophets of Hope
2 Chronicles 20:20 has been the most repeated prophetic Scripture of 2020 by multiple prophetic voices. I have spoken of it several times... (continue reading)