Intro from Lana Vawser:
I want to introduce you to and endorse my beautiful friend, Mandy Woodhouse. I have known Mandy and her husband Carston for a few years now, and the first thing I want to say about Mandy is this: she is a friend of God. She carries the heart of God, she knows Him intimately, she loves Jesus, and she lives her life with integrity, humility, purity and maturity.
Mandy takes the Lord at His Word and walks in faith, refusing to let go of what He is saying. She is one who walks in tenacious faith and places the utmost value upon the voice of the Lord. She lives her life laid down, surrendered to Him, and bringing glory to Jesus. She carries a weighty authority and childlike faith.
God is raising up Mandy in this hour like never before, with the word of the Lord in her mouth. I know you will be incredibly impacted, encouraged, blessed and refreshed by the words she releases.
With great joy, I introduce you to my friend, Mandy Woodhouse. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"I Am Dressing You for Your Destiny"
Mandy Woodhouse, Brisbane, Australia
I had a dream a few nights ago that angels were carefully dressing me in dress after dress. I would wear one very pretty dress for awhile in the dream, and then they would appear with a new, even lovelier dress and I would have to change again and again. At one stage, I was wearing the most glorious dress I had ever worn – even prettier than my wedding dress!
It was a "2 Corinthians 3:18" feeling – going from "glory to glory."
I remember that I was in this most beautiful dress in the dream, and I was attending a worship service where I was wildly jumping in praise. As it happens in dreams, it was like I was having an "out of body" experience, looking down upon myself as I worshiped the Lord in this beautiful dress. I asked the Lord why He was robing me in all these gorgeous dresses, and I heard Him say, "I AM DRESSING YOU FOR YOUR DESTINY." I felt like He said that since there was such an acceleration in this kairos time in history, He was going through my "new" dresses more quickly than ever.
New Wineskins
For about a year now, I have seen the numbers "222" everywhere. On the clock, on number plates on cars, on homes and businesses and in books. My eyes have been drawn to these numbers, and it has actually increased coming into 2020. I know that these numbers can mean open doors, but Holy Spirit drew me to Mark 2:22, which says, "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins – and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins."
Anyone who is part of a prophetic community or who knows the times knows what this means! New wine is indeed being poured out on the Body of Christ at the moment, and many of God's people are realizing that they are in need of NEW wineskins to hold the destiny that God has ordained for them. The Lord showed me my dream again in slow motion, and with every change of garment that took place, there was a new level of freedom and praise that went forth. I felt like the Lord showed me that the removing of OLD garments is a symbol of stepping into the new season that God has given us.
The morning after this dream, I was going through some clothing that I had in a storage box under the bed. I found two new dresses that I had never worn, and I felt Holy Spirit prompt me to throw them out, though I had not yet had a chance to wear them. I also had a third, favorite dress that I have worn and loved for years. There was a strong sense that I was to toss all three dresses. I was then reminded of a prophetic word that I received, before moving from America to Australia 7 months ago, in which the person told me that I would be receiving a "whole new wardrobe, both naturally and spiritually." As I began to think on this word, I heard the Lord's voice again:
"Sometimes you have to be willing to part with the old garments – even the new and yet unneeded ones – in order to make room for the NEW and BETTER garments you'll be given."
I believe the same applies to wineskins. Some people hold onto the old wineskins not just because of affectionate attachment, but because of fear that the new won't quiet "fit" the way the old did. Some people "hoard" out of fear masquerading as wisdom. I see the Lord pouring out love and SMASHING ALL FEAR now, in the name of Jesus!
"...But perfect love casts out fear..." (1 John 4:18)
Shed the Old Man
I was reminded of a little Australian bearded dragon that was following me around a few weeks ago. I was at a wildlife park in Brisbane, just enjoying the sunshine and time with Jesus, and there was a little bearded dragon that took a liking to me. I sat with my journal for some time, and he sat at my feet. I felt for the little guy because he had a large piece of skin peeling from his tail, and it seemed to trip him up. If I walked through the trees or leaves and he tried to follow me, he always ended up with sticks and foliage sticking to him, or his little feet would trip over the growing collection of junk that was attached to this dragging skin on his tail.
Google tells me that bearded dragons tend to shed skin up until they are a mature age. Once they hit maturity, they no longer shed or worry about tripping over the rubbish they've collected along the way. They are free and without hindrance. Holy Spirit reminded me that this little guy kept tripping over his own skin and what was caught on it. (Photo via Unsplash)
Then the Lord said... (continue reading)