From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Mickey and Sandie Freed are the pastors of Lifegate Church International in Texas. Sandie Freed has written for the Elijah List for years and has blessed our readers with deep insight in her writings.
Her husband, Mickey Freed, just received this fresh word for the Church.
As you read this word, let it sink into your spirit-man for what the Lord is doing in this hour...We truly are at a new threshold of evangelism! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I believe that the Church is at a new threshold of evangelism. The coronavirus has caused many churches and businesses to close, but this should not shut us down. It doesn't have to hinder our witness and testimony! We know that sickness doesn't come from God but the enemy. The church buildings may be closed, but the Church is very much alive. The book of Revelation tells us that we will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
The name "corona," actually means "a crown" or something that resembles a crown. As I discerned this, the Holy Spirit quickly revealed that it was satan trying to steal God's glory once again. He will never give up. A crown is always worn by kings and represents power, glory, immortality, royalty and sovereignty. Satan can't stand the fact that the Blood of Jesus will always overcome anything that he tries to duplicate.
This virus is only a distraction from what God is about to do. I believe that there will be a quick cure, a quick healing, and thousands will turn to Christ because of it. Everything shall work together for good. What the enemy meant for harm; God will use it for good.
The Marketplace Minister
What a great time for the Church to step up! Marketplace ministry is where we are needed at this particular time in Church history. Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that times like these are to be expected. While the world system goes into a panic mode, we, the Church, must realize these are the times when we are needed the most. It is the Church that needs to stand tall in this hour. We trained for this hour. We have studied and been mentored by anointed ministers, and attended seminars for years. Now the time has come for the Church to rise up.
Jesus never told us to go into the world and bring the world to the Church! He did tell the Church to go into the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Sometimes, people can become confused with the title "marketplace minister." A marketplace minister is a person who is not a part of the clergy; who is sharing Christ within. In other words, it is you using the Christ within to share your testimony at your workplace or wherever you are! This is what Jesus was saying in the book of Matthew. He was telling us to go into the world and minister the goodness of God, allowing that person to accept Jesus as Lord. (Photo via Unsplash)
The Increased Knowledge of the Last Days
Social media has allowed the Church to reach others outside the local Church. The cutting edge of technology is allowing the Word to be taught around the world. Scripture tells us that in the last days there will be increase of knowledge. In Daniel 12:4, the Lord tells Daniel to keep this prophecy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end, when many will rush here and there, and knowledge will increase. In this context, knowledge seems to be the main idea. Other theologians have defined this as "many will investigate," or "knowledge shall increase."
The Amplified Version gives us further thought and brings more clarity. It says, "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase" (Daniel 12:4).
Unlike Daniel, John is told in the book of Revelation not to seal the words. The primary difference between Daniel's word and the word given to John is simply the timing. While Daniel's and John's words were given in a vision, there were many years between giving and the actual effect. Daniel probably did not realize that his futuristic word would not take place for another 500 plus years. His word was meant for the end times and could not come to pass or transpire until the First Coming of the Lord Jesus.
On the other hand, John's vision was given to him after the Cross, when no more preconditions remained for the fulfillment of what he had been shown in the vision. The timing here is noteworthy because I believe that the book of Revelation relies a lot on the book of Daniel. The reason the prophecy was not to be sealed is because the time had arrived in which the contents of the prophecy were relevant to those living in the time of John. The imminent coming of Christ is throughout the New Testament, and even in our present day in which we live.
Keys to the Kingdom
The keys to the Kingdom have been given to the Church (Matthew 16:19). We are living in the season of signs, wonders, and miracles. God will continue to pour out miracles and healings to encourage hope and empower those who believe. The Church is crying out for revival, but could it be that instead of our waiting on God, maybe He is waiting on us?
Please understand from a pastor's perspective; I definitely love a great church service. We need to clap, sing and demonstrate the freedom that the Cross gave us, but that's not my point. My point is... (continue reading)