From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
It may shock you to realize that, prophetically, what the prophets are picking up for the USA is that the coronavirus is not just about the lives of people who may become sick or who may die...that must always be covered in prayer, of course. Always.
But God is showing the prophets (not just Prophet Robert Henderson, here, but others too) that the enemy of our souls is coming against our president, our economy, and therefore the soul of this nation.
I won't give you any more clues. Please read this prayerfully and send it to all your friends!
This is about God's people praying at all times and not relenting from praying concerning all you are about to read!
Watching and praying with you all! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Around three weeks before the coronavirus began to seem as a threat here in the United States against our economy, I had a dream. In my dream, I was standing at a table next to President Trump. I was bouncing and pushing my shoulder against his shoulder in a playful way. As I continued to do this, President Trump looked at me and chided and chastised me. He said to me, "This is the presidency of the United States of America."
I remember feeling terrible and humbled by my treatment and lack of seriousness toward him. I then became aware that President Trump had a newspaper spread out to the financial section. He was running his hand over what this paper was reporting, then he would turn and look at the next page. When he was finished examining it, he folded the paper and handed it to me.
My understanding of this dream is that we, as the Church/intercessors, are not taking seriously our role in the presidency of Donald J. Trump, at least on the level we should. Perhaps we are more 'playing with it' rather than praying things through in the Spirit. We are in serious times that require a seriousness in prayer and intercession for our nation and the purposes of God in it. Even though it was me in the dream, I am quite sure I was simply being allowed to feel the chastening of the Lord concerning our lack of diligence and seriousness toward this presidency.
I also understood that the intent of the devil is to disrupt the economy of our nation. This is what the devil understands he must do, to seek to deny President Trump the re-election. In the fact that I was handed the financial section of the paper after President Trump was finished looking into it, I know that we are being assigned to pray and stand with President Trump to secure and stabilize the economy of our nation. Without this, the stage could be set for an upset in the elections this year. President Trump could be removed from office.
We must take our stand and deal with the issue that the enemy would use to disrupt our economy and the economy of the nations, with the end results being the ousting of Donald J. Trump as our president. The media and politicians would like nothing more than to discredit President Trump and to motivate people through fear until the economy is greatly damaged. We must take our place and contend for God's will to be done instead.
As I have prayed, I feel that God would release to President Trump the same prophetic wisdom that He gave to Joseph. Joseph was able to steer the nation, from the position he was given, into financial stability even in great troublesome times. I believe that the Lord would give to President Trump this wisdom. I believe we should pray for the spirit of Joseph to be released into the White House, President Trump, his counselors and those who are in decision making places. We must contend for this to occur.
I actually felt that I saw Joseph come in the spirit realm as a part of the cloud of witnesses to help move President Trump in the directions he needs to go. The Scripture says in Hebrews 12:1 that we are surrounded by the witnesses that have gone before us:
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us... (continue reading)