Purpose Today many people including Believers are in fear of the corona virus among other sicknesses. But the Word of God promises us protection from these very things. We hear reports of a thousand infected but Psalm 91 says, "A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you." How seriously do we really believe and know how to activate this?
When the death angel 'passed-over' Egypt those Israelites who had the blood on their doorpost were protected. Israel was protected from every plague that was hitting Egypt at the time. This was the 1st Passover.
Jesus' Last Supper was the last Passover meal he had with His disciples. They were instructed to sacrifice their lamb and then eat it with their family. This was symbolic of the Messiah Jesus that would be our lamb. Jesus' last supper was also Passover and those who partake of the power of Jesus' Blood today are also promised protection from every pestilence, virus and plague for those who believe.
Jesus instructed the disciples to continue to 'keep the feast' of Passover but in the newness of what He did!. He is the reason for the season, as He is our Passover Lamb. His Blood applied to the doorposts of our life is total protection. Psalms 91 clearly tells us that we can claim protection from every pestilence, sickness, untimely death and every plague. Also when we celebrate Passover as Jesus instructed there is a supernatural protection that is activated when we apply Jesus Blood and celebrate the Passover Lamb. In the days ahead beyond 2020 having a deep revelation about Passover and the Blood in a fresh new way will cause a greater level of the Glory of God in our life and supernatural protection from many things that are plaguing our world as we carry the cure for every virus and plague! We have the Blood and power of Jesus to heal every disease and keep us supernaturally healthy like the great missionary to South Africa, John G Lake, who went and healed thousands during a pandemic of disease to the amazement of the government and doctors at the time.
There has never been a better time to activate the power, glory and protection of Passover in 2020 by coming together as God instructs during Passover and activating the reason for the season.
The Spirit of Awakening is in the air across the USA! You can sense that America is on the verge of something HUGE. We just finished Awaken 2020 which was the 1st stadium event of the decade to launch America into the decade of Awakening! Many great moves of God started at key times in key places and ignited an unstoppable fire! There is something about being at the right place, at the right time with the right people. The right place is Phoenix, Arizona which is experiencing a fresh move of God. The right time is during Passover which is an open Heaven time unlike other as the Glory and Power of God rip through the heavens during this time. And the right people are those like minded Believers and speakers all of whom are seeing the Glory and power of God touch millions worldwide.
Passover 2020: Decade of Awakening is filling up super fast! People are coming in from all over the USA and the southwest. Register fast to be secured a seat. (Exciting News: Due to huge demand we are moving the meetings to the Phoenix Convention Center!)
If you missed 'Awaken2020' in Phoenix, AZ you can receive a fresh touch for Awakening during Passover. (Several of the speakers and musicians that were at 'Awaken2020' are joining us!)
We are on the cusp of the greatest move of God in America, greater than even the 'Jesus Movement' during the 60's and all the other moves and revivals combined. The USA literally is in the beginning stages of a HUGE great Awakening and Harvest! We know that God is going to move in the spirit of Awakening with an even greater glory, spirit of Evangelism as well as miracles, healings and the prophetic word for your life right now.
A new outpouring of God's Spirit and Glory preceded by a prayer and fasting movement are recipes for the Awakening and Harvest. Passover is one of those seasonal portals that is the most ripe for God to pour out a new outpouring of the rains of God for the harvest in our own lives and nation. During this seasonal portal a HUGE impartation and visitation gets released. Passover is the timing in which God not only speaks to His people more clearly and intimately and when His glory shows up in unprecedented ways, but it is the season where a huge SHIFT takes place in your life for the season ahead. It is a time when Believers, who honor these days and set aside time to be with God, position themselves to receive great promotions, acceleration, and new open doors as well as heavenly visitations which opens you up to huge favor and blessings.
We call these times "seasonal portals," where God promises to visit us in an extraordinary way if we just show up to the appointment.
This Passover in 2020 we don't want you to miss that appointment! We are on the cusp of the greatest move of God in human history! You need the rain of Passover before the coming Harvest!
So, we are creating an environment where you can come and be with God in a powerful glory-filled atmosphere during Passover week. We, David Herzog Ministries will be hosting the Passover Glory Festival in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona on April 9-12, 2020 And, we want you to be there as this is your decade to shine! Exciting News is that we are hosting it this year at the Phoenix Convention Center!
It is important to realize that during these "Kairos" (opportune moment, appointed day, due season) times, HUGE things occur in the heavenly realms and situations are shifted into proper alignment and position. So, it is important that we get in sync on Earth with what is happening in Heaven in order to receive the downloads of new glory impartations and revelation God is wanting to pour out on us during these special times of year.
"Knowing what God is about to do and positioning yourself for it is the key to riding the wave of God's move on the earth with great blessing and favor."
Make plans now to be with us at the Passover 2020: Decade of Awakening in April, and position yourself to enter into this season as one aligned correctly for awakening in your life, in your calling, and in America and the nations!

Come immerse yourself in the glory with these
dynamic and anointed speakers!
Paula White-Cain is the President of Paula White Ministries and City of Destiny headquartered in Apopka, Florida, and the spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump. She hosts Paula Today, a nationally syndicated daily broadcast reaching a potential audience of 5.7 billion people in over 200 countries. She is a leading Pastor, a renowned life coach, bestselling author, and highly sought-after motivational speaker. Paula's commitment to humanity is felt worldwide as she reaches out through numerous charities and compassion ministries, fulfilling her mission and call to transform lives, heal hearts and win souls. She lives in the Orlando area with her husband, Jonathan Cain.
Jonathan Cahn is President of Hope of the World ministries, Senior Pastor and Messianic Rabbi of the Jerusalem Centre/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. He is also the author of the best-selling book 'The Harbinger'. His teachings are broadcast daily over hundreds of radio stations throughout the United States and the world and on television. He ministers, as did the first Jewish messengers of the Gospel, sharing the message of Messiah to Jew and Gentile, Israel, and the nations. He has ministered before mass gatherings in India, Nigeria, Cuba, Mizoram, Honduras, Haiti, & throughout the world. His teachings are widely known for revealing the deep mysteries of God's Word and for the restoring of the new covenant message to its original Biblically Jewish richness and power.
Joshua Mills will be joining us! He operates with miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ. Traveling to more than sixty nations around the world, he has been creating a realm of glory wherever he goes, with a clear message that "praise changes the atmosphere."
Dr. David Herzog has seen a major increase in the glory, power, and prophetic mantle on his life. The spirit of Awakening has infused him with a fresh mantle to see entire cities open up to the Gospel around the world with salvations, miracles and signs following in stadiums, civic centers, conferences and revivals. He often prophesies and ministers into governments, Presidents and Prime Ministers, mayors as well as those in the Hollywood/Entertainment industry and is a best-selling author.
Stephanie Herzog flows in a powerful prophetic seer gift as well as life transforming revelatory teaching in conferences, stadiums and revivals. She also flows in a powerful healing/miracle and deliverance gift as she herself was healed of Leukemia at a young age. Stephanie is also an author of her latest book, "God is your Matchmaker."
Worship with Steve Swanson who is able to break through barriers, bring freedom, and carry you into the Heavens with his powerfully anointed worship music.
At the Passover Glory Festival, you can expect to: • | Pick up the spirit of revival |
• | Experience the Glory on new levels |
• | Discover your New Beginnings |
• | Enter into your new season of destiny and awakening |
• | Pass-over into your own Promised Land |
• | Move into greater access and flow in the Glory of God |
• | Experience healing, miracles, signs and wonders |
• | Hear God more clearly for your life |
"When you show up to God's feast you get empowered to move forward into your destiny."
This 4-day event will be a time of revival fire impartation converging on the Southwest region of the United States with miracles, healings, signs and wonders, to awaken and ignite fresh prayer for a national revival and unveil prophetic revelation for the amazing days ahead!
IMPORTANT: Register today to reserve your seating at www.thegloryzone.org
 Location: Phoenix Convention Centre South Building 33 S 3rd St Phoenix, AZ 85004 DATES: April 9-12, 2020 Schedule: Thursday: 7pm Friday: 10am, 2pm & 7pm Saturday: 10am, 2pm & 7pm Sunday: 3pm* & 7pm *Partners Only Impartation Service | $40.00 - Registration Rate $50 - Walk- in Registration Rate $60- Early Bird Pricing for 2 people ($10 per session Walk-In) Please register each person separately. Registration is Non-Refundable. Contact: 1-888-384-5679 for more information PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is not available |  |