From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I was really encouraged in the recent word that Ben Peters sent to us.
We are on the cusp of a mighty move of God and have so much to look forward to even in these most difficult of times.
Read this very detailed word from Ben Peters as he asked the Lord, "Father, may I?" and find out what God answered back to him. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

While meditating on the news of the day, I heard the Father say, "YES, YOU MAY!" Of course, I was reminded of the old game kids would play called, "Mother, May I?" I knew in my spirit that God was talking about the month of May. He was saying that people would be asking, "May I go back to work, or may I go on this trip, or may I start up a new ministry or a new business, etc.?"
You May
The month of MAY will be a month in which we MAY ask the Father for many things that weren't available up until then. This will happen because in the months before the month of MAY, God's people will have been driven to a deeper relationship with God and have a greater awareness of what God Himself desires. Hard times always draw us closer to His heart. Thus, our desires will be much more in tune with His, with the result that we will be asking for things that please Him and that will bring glory to His name.
Let me share a couple of examples where God said, "YES, YOU MAY!"
"He said, 'Lord, that I MAY receive my sight'" (Luke 18:41b). He was basically saying, "Jesus, MAY I receive my sight?" Jesus responded, "Receive your sight; your faith has made you well" (Luke 18:42b). In other words, "YES, YOU MAY."
This is, indeed, a request that the Father loves to grant. As children of our heavenly Father, we ought to be asking Him for spiritual sight. We need to see other people and situations through His eyes and not our earthly eyes. The statement "We are fighting an invisible enemy" is truly prophetic. But we need to ask God for the supernatural ability to see our enemy and discern what he is doing or trying to do.
In John 17, Jesus asked the Father five times that His disciples would be one. Here's one verse: "That they all MAY be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also MAY be one in Us, that the world MAY believe that You have sent Me" (John 17:21). Jesus was clearly asking His Father, "MAY they be united in Us as You and I are united in each other?" (Photo via Flickr)
Again, God wants us to pray this prayer along with Jesus, "Father, MAY we be one with each other through us all being one with Jesus?" And I hear the Father saying, "YES, YOU MAY." God answered Jesus' prayer in the early Church, where we read multiple times that they were all in one accord. Who would dare to say that God can't do it again?
He will answer that prayer of Jesus that has been prayed millions of times by His Church on Earth today. I also believe it's being prayed for by the cloud of witnesses, who understand the need for unity and the power of unity in the Church by the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Especially That You MAY Prophesy
Finally, the first verse I saw when seeking confirmation of this word was 1 Corinthians 14:1, "Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts, and especially that you MAY prophesy."
This command from God through Paul is still relevant today. Certainly, we need to pursue love with a passion. It's our most powerful tool to win the lost and promote unity in the Church. Secondly, we are exhorted to desire spiritual gifts. These gifts are the Holy Spirit power tools that work hand in glove with love. And finally, we ought to especially desire to prophesy. If we come to the Father and say, "Father, MAY I PROPHESY?" I know that He will say, "YES, YOU MAY!"
Why is it important to earnestly desire to prophesy as Paul again exhorts in 1 Corinthians 14:39? I have discovered, in my research on the gift of prophecy, that it's not only the gift that edifies, exhorts and comforts, but it's also the gift that paves the way for the more spectacular and life-changing miracles. (Photo via Unsplash)
Jesus had a forerunner named John the Baptist, who did no miracles, but prophesied about Him. Jesus also began His own public ministry by prophesying several times in John 1, before His first miracle in John 2. There are many other Scriptures that confirm this concept, which are discussed in one of the books I've been privileged to write.
God Wants People to Know He Loves Them
What I'm saying is, if your heart has been drawing itself into the Father's heart... (continue reading)