From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Candice and Brian Simmons are a remarkable couple and are spiritual parents to many.
When I interviewed them last year for our Elijah Streams TV show, I learned that Candice has many dreams nightly. God is always speaking to her in dreams.
This is a profound revelation through Candice and the month we are in. I want you to receive her words here from God's heart straight into yours:
I hear the Lord saying: "I have not abandoned you. I'm still on the throne and the enemy will not have the last word in this. For I am with you to strengthen you. Come with Me into this Garden of Gethsemane to pray in this hour of testing and waiting. This is not the time to sleep or give up! For I need you to join with Me as those who will watch and wait. We will wait together!"
Wow! Read on and enjoy much more in this word from Candice Simmons. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

As I've said before and I repeat, God is good, today and forever! In this season of my life, the Lord has been reminding me of this over and over in my dreams. I think it's because everyone, myself included, needs to hear it now more than ever. We need to have this in our hearts and on our lips as we go about our days in this very difficult season. For the enemy is trying his best to distort who God is in our hearts and in our thinking. So, let's not forget it. "God, You are good!"
Embracing Mystery
We wrongly assume that we must understand everything right now. But there are things that we just can't Google an answer for. There are always seasons in life that will forever remain a mystery. But the Word of God tells us in 1 Timothy 3:9 that we "must faithfully embrace the mysteries of faith while keeping a clean conscience." It's Christ who must conquer our souls when we run out of answers. We have no other choice than to trust Him as we wait!
I hear the Lord saying: "I have not abandoned you. I'm still on the throne and the enemy will not have the last word in this. For I am with you to strengthen you. Come with Me into this Garden of Gethsemane to pray in this hour of testing and waiting. This is not the time to sleep or give up! For I need you to join with Me as those who will watch and wait. We will wait together!"
The Hebrew word for wait can mean to "twist," or to be intertwined, much like strands of a rope are entwined. We have His presence to keep us in that place of being intertwined with Him as we wait. He has not left you, but rather He has entwined you with His wrap-around presence.
Here is our battle cry as we wait!
"Lord, we're waiting as long as it takes for You to rescue us. Only You are our Savior, and You will not fail us. For You alone are our safe place. Your wrap-around presence always protects us as our champion defender. There's no risk of failure with You! So, why would we let worry paralyze us, even when troubles multiply? For Your glory is all around us! Your wrap-around presence is all we need, for You, Lord, are our Savior, our Hero, and our life-giving strength" (see Psalm 62 TPT).
Christmas and Easter Right Now
The first weekend of March (before all of the attention shifted to the virus) I was sharing a message with our home church when the Lord said to me, "I'm bringing Christmas and Easter together this year. It will be like a new birth of Christ in your hearts that will release a new resurrection power within you!" I believe this with all my heart. This season has caused many of us to really press into the heart of God more than ever. Many of our props have been pulled out from under us and all that is left to stand on is our firm foundation, Jesus. It has driven many to their knees and into a place of sweet surrender. He's drawing us all to Himself. He's the reason we can make it and the reason we live!
(Since I gave this word, I've been told by others that, on Facebook, they've seen stories and pictures of houses that people have decorated with Christmas decorations, videos of children singing Christmas carols, poinsettias and Christmas cacti blooming before their time, people watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel; and one of my friends posted... (continue reading)