From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I sure appreciate the heart and ministry of Cindy McGill...she always "tells it like it is" in many ways, while she ministers in the darkest of places where many wouldn't think of going to.
As many places are shut down around the world right'll discover one place that you can access now, right where you're at, and it's "essential" that we all do!
Enjoy this profoundly good word by our friend Cindy McGill. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Then He said to him, 'A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, "Come, for all things are now ready." But they all with one accord began to make excuses. The first said to him, "I have bought a piece of ground, and I must go and see it. I ask you to have me excused." And another said, "I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to test them. I ask you to have me excused." Still another said, "I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come."'" (Luke 14:16-20)
In Luke 14, we read the parable about the great banquet that was prepared for everyone to eat at, but everyone who was invited made up excuses as to why they wouldn't come. One person had to take care of oxen, one had some land he had to attend to, one man got married and so on.
God Wants Us at His Table Right Now
God has spiritual food for us to eat and there is a "table talk" relationship He wants to have with us so we are sufficiently prepared for the coming days. God has been inviting us to come and spend time with Him so He can feed us the necessary spiritual food that will not only sustain us, but fuel us for our future life journey. We have no more excuses for why we can't make time for Him to instruct us. While ANY disease or pandemic is NOT from God, this time we've all entered into is being used BY God to settle our busyness and get our attention.
God's table, full of spiritual food, is an essential business. We MUST take advantage of this time by quieting ourselves to hear from Heaven. There are things God has to share with us and mysteries that are being revealed from Heaven that will equip us for the days ahead.
Perfect peace is the garden soil where revelation is birthed. Creative ideas, strategies and instructions are revealed when we can keep our minds focused on God, who is perfect peace. In perfect peace, confusion stops, anxiety stops, destructive thoughts are exiled and clear pathways are formed that give us guidance and direction for the future. Spending time with God is the ULITMATE discouragement remover. He fills us with hope, encouragement, and our eyes are opened to see NEW THINGS. (Photo via Unsplash)
Revelation Comes When We Decide to Spend Time with Him
In Luke 24, we read how Jesus appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, but the disciples didn't recognize Him. The disciples were pouring out their hearts about the death of their friend and how it affected all of them. They were distraught, sad, devastated and were scolding Jesus (not recognizing who He was at that time) for not knowing about the events that they had all just witnessed. When they got to their town, Jesus was planning to go on, but they begged Him to stay the night and eat at THEIR table. Breaking bread and processing together the events that have radically shifted their lives was when their eyes were opened to see Him sitting right there with them.
There is something about "safe places" to pour out your heart. These are times with friends who are all going through the same things, when everyone sits at the table, and our eyes are opened to receive revelation and understanding we didn't have before.
When Jesus vanished, their response was, "...Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). When we sit with Jesus at the table there is always an impartation we receive. Jesus' presence creates a heart response that resonates in our spirits. We are DESIGNED to respond to His Spirit. Uncertainty and unexpected events cause us to seek communication and quality time with Him.
We Are Fighting an Invisible Enemy with Our Invisible Weapon – Faith
These are days of increasing our faith and trust in God. He knows the future and the plans He has for all of us. We CANNOT look at circumstances and conclude anything right now. Our focus HAS to remain on Him and Him alone. Faith and perfect love displaces fear because fear has torment. We don't know all of the future, but we are intertwined with the ONE who DOES know it, and He is drawing us close to love on us and calm our fears.
1. God wants to feed us.
2. God wants to hear us and He wants us to pour out our hearts to Him regarding all of the things we are walking through; hurts, disappointments, fears, betrayals and everything that weighs us down.
3. God wants to heal us and give us insight about our lives and life circumstances.
4. God wants to reveal to us our identity and future. He wants to reveal His plans for us, our relationship with our Father, and His purpose for our lives.
5. God wants to provide for us and take care of us. It's His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
6. God wants to instruct us and guide us with His eye. He wants to teach us His ways.
7. God will replace our fear with faith, hope and love.
God Is Very, Very Relational
Relationship is a BIG deal to God. It's time for the download and blueprints to be revealed so we can position ourselves in the new structure and model He wants His Church to be like. This is multifaceted and a new design we haven't operated in before. He is drawing our hearts toward His and we are seeing His love and care for us. (Photo via Piqsels)
Home groups and small groups developing around TABLES are receiving... (continue reading)