From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
If you are new to the prophetic, you may wonder how or why it is that numbers with God ALWAYS mean something.
God has chosen, in His thousands and thousands of ways of speaking, to speak to us through numbers in years in our lives. And since it was God who gave us numbers, who better to speak through those numbers than the Lord Himself?
Below you will learn more about God doing that... speaking through numbers. I won't try to summarize it here because Curt Landry does a very good job below. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

You have perhaps heard that 5780/2020 is the "Year of the Mouth," but what does that mean? Are we to simply speak more or more wisely? Are we meant to speak everything in public or not? Join us below as we answer these and other questions to help set your year right!
What Is the "Year of the Mouth?"
We are currently in the year 5780 according the Hebraic/biblical calendar. The prophetic meaning of the Hebrew year 5780 is all about speaking God's Kingdom.
The period from 5770-79 was the decade of the 70s. The number 70, represented by the Hebrew letter Ayin, is symbolic of the all-seeing eye of God; for us it means a time to see things God desires us to see.
Now we are in the decade of the 80s, represented by the Hebrew letter Pey, which is symbolic of the mouth. For us this means that it is a time to speak those things God has shown us.
While the past 10 years have been a time to see what God wanted us to see, this decade will be about speaking as Zion—the prophetic meaning of the Hebrew year 5780 being the entry, and perhaps most important year to speak.
When and What to Speak
So, we know that 5780-89 is a ten year window of time to speak, but what and when are we meant to speak?
There is no one answer to this other than that we need to listen to the Holy Spirit. Yes, it IS time to speak, but we HAVE TO be sure we are speaking Kingdom things. By listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance, we not only know what to speak, but when we are to speak, and to whom. (Photo via Flickr)
Still, how can we be wholly positive that it is the Holy Spirit we are hearing and not ourselves or others? The best way to know if we are hearing the Holy Spirit and not another voice is to examine it by the Word. Does what we are hearing align with who God is and what is written in His Word? If so, then it is likely the Holy Spirit speaking, but if not, then we can know with certainty that it is false.
Yet, there may be times when we hear in part. For instance, we might realize that God has spoken something to us but we might not know when to speak it out. Or we could sense that we are to speak something out at a certain time or place but fail to hear what we are meant to speak until God's perfect timing. In either case, we HAVE to reset our focus on God. In these times we may need to pray to break down walls we have raised between us and Heaven, but other times we need to take time to sit and wait upon the Lord.
God is the only one who knows what each situation requires. Yet, even when we cannot hear His voice clearly, if we humble ourselves, pray, and disallow fear and doubt, He will still guide us.
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." (Psalm 37:23)
It Is a Year and a Decade to Speak, But...
In a time when we are meant to speak, it is interesting to discover that we are not always meant to speak more often or louder...but instead with intention and discernment.
Yes, there may be times in this year and others where God has us basically stand on a soap box and speak His will. After all, many of the prophets in the Word were given such tasks. However, this is not something God has us do in every season—not even in those where we are meant to speak!
There are times when God gives us... (continue reading)