From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a MOST IMPORTANT update on the Church, the Coronavirus, and even China.
Because this word is extra long, I'll keep this intro quite short.
This interview by Dutch Sheets, with his friend Chuck Pierce, will give you an even better and fuller picture about what God is up to on the earth right now!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Dutch Sheets Conversation With Chuck Pierce About the Coronavirus – Part 1
DUTCH: Recently, I sat down with Chuck Pierce to talk about what God is saying regarding the coronavirus COVID-19. Make sure, as you pray through the conversation over the next few days, you do not allow fear to enter into your heart, but rather, let faith arise in you. I'm always asking myself in times like this, "What is the enemy trying to do and what does the Lord want to do?" It's like what Joseph said to his brothers, "You meant it for evil, but God had a different purpose for it."
I've been feeling from the start, as far as God's part in it, that it's about the aligning of the nations for what is coming. I am not implying He is doing it. I know it is destructive, but God always has a higher plan than what the enemy has to bring His purposes to pass.
Many of you know by now that Chuck gave a word some months back pertaining to the coronavirus outbreak. So, here's some of what he was sensing and hearing. He's been seeking the Lord and will also be sharing some of what he's hearing now and going forward.
CHUCK: In the midst of the trial you (Dutch) have been going through physically, we know you'll come back stronger than you've ever been before. Probably by August of this year, we'll need your voice more than ever to step through into what God is saying to us. I was saying it before, but now I am seeing it. You've known me for years and I've lived on a timetable, which is a covenant timetable. I'm always looking for the Hebraic calendar for what's going on. It's not really around the calendar dates, but around the feast times, because the Lord always wants us to maintain a harvest mentality. Even in the midst of crisis, He wants us to maintain a harvest mentality so we can get back into increase. So, that's the real issue. How will we move back into increase? If we are all thinking that way, we are going to have some great strategies come forth from this time that I'm calling a "Divine Pause."
"Then David asked the LORD, 'Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?' And the LORD told him, 'Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!'" (1 Samuel 30:8 NLT)
Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:
• Ask the Lord to show you how to prepare your heart leading up to Passover.
• Ask Him to strengthen your heart to move through this next few weeks. (Photo via Wikimedia)
• Ask the Father to reveal to you how you will recover all and enter into the harvest season on the other side of this.
• Whether you are an intercessor, a prophet, an apostle, or other leader, say, "My voice needs to be heard! Prepare me, Lord."
• Declare, "Some great strategies are going to come forth from this 'Divine Pause' the Lord has put us in."
• Decree, "I will surely recover everything that was taken from me!"
A prayer you can pray:
Father, the enemy may have released this pestilence in the earth, but You are causing the Church to take advantage of it. You are going to prepare us for harvest. You are going to cause increase to come to us, individually and nationally. Is there something You would like me to do to get ready? How does my heart look to You? Am I fearful, doubting, or untrusting in any way? Is there any place where my heart is not pure or not wholly Yours? Where is Jesus not fully reigning in my life? Where I am experiencing losses? Show me how to recover all and increase.
Just like David did, I ask You, "Will I catch the enemy and recover what he has stolen from me and my family?" Tell me what to do and how to overcome. This is a perfect opportunity. Let's show the unbelievers who You are. Let them see You through my life. Make my voice heard! Let me open my mouth and testify. Reveal those strategies to me during this Divine Pause that I will need to recover loss and enter into increase. With them, I will surely recover everything that was taken from me! Thank You, Jesus, my Provider. Amen.
Decree: God will show us how to harvest as we embrace His Divine Pause.
Dutch Sheets Conversation With Chuck Pierce About the Coronavirus – Part 2
CHUCK: The Lord had to put the world in some Shabbat form. I call it "A Divine Pause." That's how intercession works. God is saying, "We have to get some things in order, so we have a greater strength going forward in days ahead."
Let me back up and say that last January I asked the Lord what He was saying for 2019. He said, "Plow through." So, Dutch, you and I gathered in about 26 different places across America to really encourage God's Kingdom people, His watchmen, intercessors, prophets, and apostles to rise up and start watching in a new way. This was especially for this year we are presently in. For you who don't know, Dutch made it all the way through that journey until the last meeting. It was a great toll to plow up some things that needed to be plowed up. As we ended that tour, Dutch had to have some sort of rest. That's what happens when we plow hard. We need to... (continue reading)