From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I've heard report after report of people in the Body of Christ utilizing this time to build up their prayer life and step into new and increased authority in Christ.
The enemy will NOT have the upperhand...oh no!
Read through this very detailed revelation from Faith Baczko, here, as she gives us a glimpse of what is happening in the spiritual realm and offers keys to exercising our authority as sons of God.
Don't shrink back...on the contrary – now is the time to use our spiritual weapons! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

GOOD NEWS! God has checkmated the enemy's move in the present crisis. The enemy's plan was to release calamity on the earth, but God is strategically using this virus in His plan to bring forth transformation in the world!
The people of God have been in prayer, intercession and expectation for a big move of God for years, and God has now answered with the BIG RESET – the precursor to a great awakening and a great in-gathering of souls into the Kingdom of God.
The world was going off the rails, on a trajectory toward destruction, running to and fro as the Bible predicted in the book of Daniel. The emotional temperature in the world was at an ugly boiling point as the gods of this world gained in sphere and power. But God! God is using what the enemy planned for evil as a GLOBAL RESET.
In the present global shutdown, bars have closed, sports have shut down; Disney World, recreations and entertainment have all shut down. And as a result, families are at home talking and eating together; people are quiet – the world is quiet – children are home safe; attitudes are changing, people are having compassion on one other. We are coming together in a unity of heart and mind and people are praying and looking to God for answers. We are lovingly caught in the captivity of the Lord and the enemy is losing, big time!
During a recent time of intercession, I saw a massive lion pacing restlessly with anticipation. The Scripture that came to mind was Isaiah 42:13-14, 16:
"The LORD will march out like a champion, like a warrior He will stir up His zeal; with a shout He will raise the battle cry and will triumph over His enemies. 'For a long time I have kept silent, I have been quiet and held Myself back. But now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant...I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.'"
I believe it is important that we take full advantage of this time God has given us to examine our lives, get rid of the non-essentials and recognize what is important. In rest, we will hear more clearly from God the strategies He wants to implement and the intercessory initiatives that will give birth to them. This is time to draw close to God and fine-tune our spiritual senses.
The entire chapter of Hebrews 12 is well worth studying at this time. In it, God tells us not to take it lightly when we are disciplined by Him, or grow weary under it – He disciplines those He loves as any loving father would. In verses 26-29, God warns us that He will shake everything that can be shaken. But we must take note His reasoning – it is for the removal of things that can be shaken, in order that the things that cannot be shaken might remain; that we may offer to Him acceptable worship with reverence and awe. He is a Consuming Fire and He will consume the sin out of our lives and, ultimately, out of the world!
Power in the Silence
God will be releasing prayer strategies to His people to bring us through this time. The term "prayer strategy" is simply the direction of how often to meet, in what manner we are to meet, who we are to meet with and the logistics of that, the theme of intercession, the way we are to pray, whether in tongues or with revelation or both. This may be accompanied by symbolic action He may ask you to do. This may seem like something silly to you, but when done in obedience carries great power. He may give specific songs to worship to – some with banners or in dance – and it may be accompanied by a time of fasting or not.
The Lord has given me a strategy to have three "prayer thrusts" once a month until May. Considering what is happening in the world, at first I didn't think this was enough. As I am now forced to be at home, there is a quietness and a stillness in the atmosphere, and I believe that is by God's design. God has been highlighting to me a principle in the strategy given to Joshua for Jericho. They had to march around the city in silence for seven days. On the seventh day, they marched seven times then blew the trumpets. It seemed like a crazy thing to do, but as they did it in obedience, power was released and the walls fell! The part He highlighted to me was the silence – they had to march in silence.
God is saying... (continue reading)