From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Even in this current time we are in...we ALL still have a call!
Whether it be staying home with family, ministering to loved ones right where we're at, fervently praying into God's get the point. We can all be God-led right now.
Jamie Tuttle writes an excellent word about this and more.
I'll let you read this for yourself but leave you with this question he asks:
Because you breathe, you carry His call. What will you do today to fulfill this call that God has placed on your life? (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I want you to memorize a specific confession of faith today and say it from your heart often, starting today and for the rest of your life. That confession is this: "Because I breathe, I carry His call."
That's a powerful statement; a powerful confession of faith: "Because I breathe, I carry His call."
You need to understand that your existence is absolutely not happenstance. It's not a chance occurrence in the universe. God's Word says, "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them" (Psalm 139:16).
No, your life was not an accident. Your life is not currently an accident either. The Lord God planted you on this earth for such a time as this. The enemy wants you to believe that your life is an accident though. The enemy will try and lie to you, telling you:
• You are a failure.
• You will never survive.
• You never should have been born, or your parents didn't mean to have you.
That old accuser, the devil, then goes on with his extended lies by saying, "You'll never be good enough. You'll never amount to anything. You might as well settle for a passive mentality and accept a lifestyle that your flesh desires but your spirit hates." But all of these things are lies, and only lies.
Here's what you need to know to dominate your domain today:
You are not fighting against flesh and blood right now – not even against your own flesh and blood in your own body. No. You are currently engaged in an ancient battle, wrestling against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). You are, right now, engaged in the battle of good versus evil, and you will be in that battle all your life. (Photo via Piqsels)
You were not created to accept what you are in the flesh and deny what you're called to be in the spirit. You were not meant to live with walls around you – walls that fence you in and limit your opportunities and possibilities. God never intended you to accept your circumstances and call tribulation your friend. He did not engineer you to say or even think that your failures are part of your personality, part of "who you are." Instead, God fashioned you with His hands and designed you specifically to fulfill His call on your life.
You are alive because God placed you on the earth for such a time as this. You are breathing right now because you have His call on your life. It's His oxygen that you are taking into your lungs; and because He allows you to breathe it – and indeed sustains and propels every cell of your body by the very word of His power – then you know that He has a plan for you. You possess a calling from God that no one can ever negate or destroy, not even you.
God has good plans for you, and He wants you to carry them out today. He has divinely ordained you to carry them out. At the end of days, you will not stand before God and hear Him say, "I understood it was hard, so We excuse you from your call."
But you know what you will hear?
When you stand before God... (continue reading)