From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I'm really encouraged in the HOPE messages being released through God's prophetic voices right now.
With so much "doom and gloom words" and negative would be easy to give into fear. BUT remember, we are NOT of this world.
I want you to read this very encouraging and hope-filled word from Jodie Hughes about what you're receiving from the Lord in this season.
BTW...we so enjoyed interviewing both Ben and Jodie Hughes on Elijah Streams and I know you'll enjoy watching their new episode! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Transformation is taking place in the Body of Christ, just like a butterfly. There is much change happening everywhere at the moment, and it is happening faster than we can keep up with. But the Lord would have you know that there is a secure place right now, under His wing, where rest and divine transformation are taking place in the midst of this season.
This place of peace and rest is hidden away from the chaos; it's like a divine cocoon we are invited to rest in. In this place, we are secure, cocooned and set apart in a moment of deep surrender in the presence of the Lord. We will emerge from this cocoon of transformation just like a butterfly, ready to take flight into the "new" that God has been speaking to His people about.
Great harvest is upon the earth. God is preparing you, equipping you and releasing you back into a new normal, but with new upgrades that enable thriving even in the midst of great change. We are being redefined and realigned to the heartbeat of Heaven, and immersed into a divine reset.
The Butterfly
The Lord has been highlighting the butterfly to me in this season as a symbol of hope. The transformation the Lord is doing is vital, but also beautiful. His plans for us are full of hope, and not to harm us (Jer. 29:11).
Just as the beginning of a butterfly's journey – before it enters the cocoon – is very different from the end – after it emerges from the cocoon – so, too, will the Body of Christ emerge from this time different than they were before. This is not a time of isolation, but rather an opportunity for redefinition, recalibration and regeneration for release into upgraded promises and sharpness of clarity.
God's intention is not harm. God's intention is not to destroy the Church, but strength and beauty is being added to the Church to carry the greater glory long prophesied. The Church is loved by God, and it is only the enemy that would desire to harm her. God is redefining and recalibrating, but with the intention of increase, not demise.
Holiness and surrender are the only options in a cocoon...and to thrive in this season, our yielding to the call of renewed surrender and holiness is essential. God is our way forward. As the world shakes, the Lord would say that He is our safe place. There is a divine comeback brewing that begins in us as we, His Church, humbly pray and seek His heart above all else. God is going to reveal His glorious Church to the nations.
As we lean into God's presence in this season, God will transform the "isolation" into a set-apart, holy moment of transformation that sets us apart as we embark on the road called "you have not been this way before." Instead of demise, this time of recalibration is preparing you for increase. New strategy is needed for a new season; a new road map is required for new challenges, but more importantly, a renewed consecration of the heart has been trumpeted out of Heaven to realign us before we cross into new territory.
We are invited into a "perspective shift" that this is not entrapment in isolation. (Though I most certainly am NOT saying that this disease and its effects on our nations are from God. The hallmarks of the enemy's handiwork are always to steal, kill and destroy.) There is a very real invitation right now to fresh consecration of our lives to God. May we humbly take stock of our lives and prioritize the Lord, and allow any transformation God would seek to make.
The cocoon is a safe space for transformation, for every caterpillar requires time to discard the old, welcome the new, and shut out the voice of fear as they process with their creator and yield their hearts afresh.
Just as the butterfly emerges with wings to fly above what was once obstacles in its path, so, too, will you emerge from this cocoon season with an ability to rise above what once stood in your way. You will overcome. You will rise above. You will come through this stronger and with beautiful takeaways from this time. There are silver linings to be found in this set-apart time.
To the Caterpillar, the Cocoon Was a Gift
The key is this: "Don't waste the season!" We must steward this season by seeking the Lord with new intentionality, and allow His holiness to search our hearts and "create in us a clean heart." (Photo via Pixabay)
There is a divine reset taking place across the the nations in the Body of Christ, as God reorders our priorities, resets a divine plumb line of healthy fear of the Lord, and releases new strategy for a new era. This is not to bring demise, but to bring increased... (continue reading)