From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
On this day, and always, I am ever so thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
In this season many have shared how they've been pleading the Blood of Jesus over their households and lives and taking communion daily. This is always, always good to do!
Sandie Freed is an excellent teacher in the things of God and she even wrote a book titled Power in the Blood, which I highly recommend.
Read this most excellent word by Sandie Freed on this resurrection day as you celebrate and and praise our Lord Jesus with your loved ones.
Amen...He IS risen for you and me for this very moment in time...and in all that we are facing. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX
There is power in the Blood of Jesus. If you only celebrate Resurrection Sunday once a year, you're missing out! You can live and walk in resurrection power every day. We all know that on Resurrection Day we celebrate Christ's death and resurrection. We are all thankful that Christ went willingly to the grave in order to provide us with His abundant life, for NOW and for eternity.
As I already mentioned, many only celebrate this once a year, but because He lives and His Blood still speaks, we can operate in resurrection power every day of our lives! Jesus death, burial and resurrection were always a part of God's eternal plan. Revelation 13:8 states that even before the world was created, the Lamb was slain. This means that both you and I were on His mind before He created the world. God knew that mankind would fall and that it would require a blood sacrifice to redeem each of us. God's mercy and love have always been at the very core for everything He did to redeem us from sin and the effects of sin.
Through the ages, God had a plan and provision to redeem mankind by establishing blood covenant promises. From the Garden of Eden until today, the Bible unfolds a divine plan of God to bless His children with life, protection and provision. His plan involves covenant promises such as life, protection, deliverance, healing and more. However, the binding force behind every covenant has involved a blood sacrifice. The blood sacrifice was the power behind every covenant God has made with mankind. Ultimately, we recognize Jesus, the innocent Lamb that was slain on our behalf, as the ultimate blood sacrifice. He shed His Blood at the Cross for each of us.
You may have heard the song that declares, "When He was on the Cross, we were on His mind." This is true, but, even more is this truth, BEFORE THE WORLD WAS CREATED we were on His mind!
All through the ages God's plan has been in motion-to give us sozo. Sozo, as many of you know, is the Greek word for "salvation." Sozo is more than being saved (and I'm so thankful for our salvation!); it also means that when we receive Christ as Savior, we have healing, protection, provision, peace and, as I like to say, "Everything Heaven has to offer!" Though there is much more to write about concerning the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, for the sake of this article, I have given a foundation for celebrating His resurrection. Let's now discover what Christ died to give us through His resurrection.
Christ Has Triumphed!
Adam, in his disobedience, lost his dominion and authority, but Jesus, through His death and resurrection, bought it all back for us. While still on the Cross, when Jesus said, "It is finished!" (John 19:30), satan had been defeated and conquered. Dear ones, the devil is not going to be defeated...he already is!
Colossians 2:15 (NKJV) says, "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." This means that He triumphed over the devil, triumphed over all principalities and powers, and triumphed over the kingdom of darkness. Listen up! He has already disarmed every power that could take a stand against us. Therefore, we can say His Blood still speaks today – the Blood of Jesus is still at work delivering us from every plan of the enemy.
Jesus has sealed satan's defeat – yes, it's done. The only way satan has power is if we give him power, and we do this whenever we agree with his lies. When we believe the opposite of what God has said in His Word, we are in agreement with satan. Agreement has power. Agreement with God is our necessary response to His covenant promises. Unbelief is agreeing with and giving power to the enemy. Again, satan has no authority – unless we give it to him. Jesus did the ultimate final work, the finished work to seal his defeat.
Now each of us is to do our part – believe in His finished work on the Cross and choose to live in His resurrection power – everyday! So, how do we do that? There are several ways to walk in this power. Here are a few... (continue reading)